Turkey, Israel and the totalitarian consensus

Turkey, Israel and the totalitarian consensus

By Alexander Maistrovoy, Freepressers.com Political commentaries about the events in the Middle East resemble mythological plots written by an experienced censor. Myth doesn’t need facts. It adjusts the facts to its own paradigm. And ideological mythology is not an exception. Western journalists’ commentaries on Middle East problems, give me a sense of deja vu. It feels […]

Turkey deploys 10,000 soldiers for major incursion deep into Iraq

NEW: GEOSTRATEGY-DIRECT.COM  ANKARA — Turkey has reported deep penetration inside Iraq in an effort to destroy Kurdish insurgency strongholds. Officials said the Turkish military has reached deep into northern Iraq in search for some 2,000 fighters of the Kurdish Workers Party. They said the Turkish operation was being coordinated with neighboring Iran, which has also […]

Israel: ‘No political agenda’ behind exercise with Cyprus called ‘unfortunate’ by Turkey

Special to WorldTribune.com ANKARA — Israel and the Republic of Cyprus are said to have staged an air combat exercise. Turkish sources said Nicosia has allowed the Israel Air Force to stage an exercise around the Mediterranean island. They said the exercise was meant as a message to Ankara that Israel would not be hampered […]