Wrecking ball, not train wreck: Obamacare is a breathtaking success story

Wrecking ball, not train wreck: Obamacare is a breathtaking success story

Special to WorldTribune.com By Wayne Allen Root There are 2 major political parties in America. I’m a member of the naïve, stupid, and cowardly one. I’m a Republican. How stupid is the GOP? They still don’t get it. I told them 5 years ago, 2 books ago, a national bestseller ago (“The Ultimate Obama Survival […]

As the dust settles, the crisis escalates

As the dust settles, the crisis escalates

Sol W. Sanders   Out of the Washington political chaos of the past few weeks, two overwhelmingly critical questions have yet to be decided. Can a wily President Barack Obama, despite his Administration’s repeatedly demonstrated incompetence in both domestic and foreign policy, rescue what he may eventually regard as the only monument to his presidency— […]

Stumbling toward financial sanity? How House Republicans revived the budget process

Stumbling toward financial sanity? How House Republicans revived the budget process

Sol W. Sanders   Could it be that the numbing financial and economic crisis engendered by divided government in Washington is returning the country to an authentic budget process? That piece of what may well be Pollyanna comes out of an examination of what has actually been going on, rather than the mainstream media’s hysterical […]

The ruling class on the right should give Rand Paul a fair hearing

The ruling class on the right should give Rand Paul a fair hearing

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Is Rand Paul a racist? That’s the charge — or rather, the insinuation — being made by some on the Beltway right. The Kentucky senator, a Tea Party favorite, is under fire not for anything he said or did, but for what an aide may have said 20 years ago. With conservative […]

Fix IRS corruption: Enforce Fourth Amendment protecting against ‘unreasonable searches and seizures’

Fix IRS corruption: Enforce Fourth Amendment protecting against ‘unreasonable searches and seizures’

Special to WorldTribune.com By Matt Barber Sir John Dalberg-Acton famously observed: “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” No federal agency enjoys more power than the “absolute power” wielded by the Internal Revenue Service. It’s little wonder, then, that under this power-drunk Obama regime, the IRS has become “corrupted absolutely.” It’s become the […]

Political thugocracy at the top: Several special prosecutors should be appointed

Political thugocracy at the top: Several special prosecutors should be appointed

Jeffrey T. Kuhner President Obama is facing a perfect storm of scandals, cover-ups and criminality that threatens to sweep him from power. This week marks the 40th anniversary of the first Watergate hearings. They eventually brought down President Nixon, forcing him to resign. Mr. Obama is the liberal Nixon — a corrupt chief executive, who […]

California dreaming: ‘Immigration reform’ will lead to a one-party state

California dreaming: ‘Immigration reform’ will lead to a one-party state

Jeffrey T. Kuhner President Obama is on the verge of completing his socialist revolution. Remarkably, he is about to be aided and abetted by some Republicans — including leaders of the Tea Party. Who says politics doesn’t make for strange bedfellows? At a recent major policy speech in Las Vegas, Mr. Obama pushed for comprehensive […]

Why President Obama continues to beat up a bickering Republican Party

Why President Obama continues to beat up a bickering Republican Party

Special to WorldTribune.com By Thomas J. Basile You have to hand it to the President. He is very transparent about his vision for America and his ideological crusade to, in his words, “remake” this nation. He’s not the kind of guy who keeps you guessing. I actually like that about him. It’s his hubris but […]

Surrender: Republicans betrayed their own limited-government precepts

Surrender: Republicans betrayed their own limited-government precepts

Jeffrey T. Kuhner The Republican Party has capitulated to President Obama’s redistributionist tax agenda. Mr. Obama has won a significant victory. He has broken Republican ranks and effectively co-opted much of the GOP opposition. The Republican Party, especially House Speaker John A. Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, will rue the day. Many House […]

The right running mate for Romney: Competence over flash

The right running mate for Romney: Competence over flash

Special to WorldTribune.com By Grace Vuoto The GOP nomination battle is winding down with former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney headed toward victory. Hence, the really interesting question now is: who will be Mr. Romney’s running mate? The best advice one can give Mr. Romney at this time is to ignore both Arizona Sen. John McCain […]