California dreaming: ‘Immigration reform’ will lead to a one-party state

California dreaming: ‘Immigration reform’ will lead to a one-party state

Jeffrey T. Kuhner President Obama is on the verge of completing his socialist revolution. Remarkably, he is about to be aided and abetted by some Republicans — including leaders of the Tea Party. Who says politics doesn’t make for strange bedfellows? At a recent major policy speech in Las Vegas, Mr. Obama pushed for comprehensive […]

In Washington, if the tale is wagging it’s a friendly

In Washington, if the tale is wagging it’s a friendly

Wesley Pruden Barack Obama is laying out a revolutionary agenda for his second term, and he’s calling up his heaviest artillery to enforce the transformative presidency delayed in the first. The campaign to confirm Chuck Hagel will be no campaign for the faint-hearted summer soldiers who know only small-caliber combat. The emerging White House strategy […]

The stench of Benghazi: Select committee must be impaneled now

The stench of Benghazi: Select committee must be impaneled now

Sol W. Sanders   Despite superficial controversy either purposely manufactured by the Obama administration to cover its tracks or simply the product of a kept main stream media, fundamental issues associated with the assassination of four Americans hovers ghostlike over the political scene. Neither Gen. David Petraeus’ sexual peccadilloes — and, apparently, other high level […]

Uh oh. Liberal Jewish Democrats realize Obama is not the One

Uh oh. Liberal Jewish Democrats realize Obama is not the One

Wesley Pruden The Democrats have a Jewish problem, and his name is Barack Obama. Reluctantly, many Jews, loyal Democrats by birth and tradition, have concluded that he’s not The One they thought he was. With even greater reluctance, the White House has concluded that their Jewish problem is real, growing, and they better do something […]

National security, the Muslim Brotherhood and Sec. of State Clinton’s top aide

National security, the Muslim Brotherhood and Sec. of State Clinton’s top aide

Special to By Cliff Kincaid Sen. John McCain has become a left-wing media darling for defending Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin against truthful charges that she has family connections to the pro-terrorist Muslim Brotherhood. Andrew McCarthy notes there used to be a time when McCain was alarmed by the advance of the Muslim Brotherhood. […]

Republicans still playing nice with the likes of Bradley Manning and Eric Holder

Republicans still playing nice with the likes of Bradley Manning and Eric Holder

Special to By Cliff Kincaid Senator John McCain, who lost to Obama in 2008 in part because he did not want to challenge Obama’s personal character or loyalty to the U.S., is now upset over what he calls “…a disturbing stream of articles” that cite “leaked classified or highly-sensitive information…” in an “effort to […]

Moscow vows ‘response’ if U.S. passes bill named for whistleblower

Moscow vows ‘response’ if U.S. passes bill named for whistleblower

Special to Compiled by Miles Yu, The U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee approved a bill this week that would blacklist several dozen Russian officials linked to the November 2009 death of lawyer Sergei Magnitsky. The Kremlin has responded vehemently to the proposed action, promising to blacklist certain U.S. officials from entering […]

U.S. Senate votes unanimously to tighten sanctions on Iran oil

U.S. Senate votes unanimously to tighten sanctions on Iran oil

Special to WASHINGTON — The United States, on the eve of a summit on Teheran’s nuclear program, has prepared to impose additional sanctions on Iran’s oil sector. On May 21, the Senate voted unanimously to approve the latest U.S. sanctions on Iran’s energy sector. In December 2011, the House passed similar legislation, and officials […]

Syrian rebels short of money and arms; Assad ‘re-supplied by Iran and Russia’

Syrian rebels short of money and arms; Assad ‘re-supplied by Iran and Russia’

Special to WASHINGTON — The United States has determined that the Sunni revolt in Syria was threatened by a shortage of money and weapons. Officials said the administration of President Barack Obama and Congress have been told that Sunni rebels were not receiving aid promised by Gulf Cooperation Council and other countries. They said […]