The ruling class on the right should give Rand Paul a fair hearing

The ruling class on the right should give Rand Paul a fair hearing

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Is Rand Paul a racist? That’s the charge — or rather, the insinuation — being made by some on the Beltway right. The Kentucky senator, a Tea Party favorite, is under fire not for anything he said or did, but for what an aide may have said 20 years ago. With conservative […]

GOP presidential foreign policy debate ducked the questions that mattered most

GOP presidential foreign policy debate ducked the questions that mattered most

Lev Navrozov On Nov. 22, I watched a televised Republican presidential primary debate on U.S. national security and foreign policy. Symbolically, it took place at the historic Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C., and was hosted by CNN, in partnership with The Heritage Foundation and American Enterprise Institute, and moderated by Wolf Blitzer. It has been […]

Mesmerized by its enemies: U.S. spends trillions of petrodollars to nurture a virulent culture of hate

Mesmerized by its enemies: U.S. spends trillions of petrodollars to nurture a virulent culture of hate

Sol W. Sanders For those who lived through the World War II prelude and the Cold War, the current American dilemma dealing with Islam is all too familiar. To the extent historical analogies are valid, countering Islamic radical infiltration resembles nothing so much as a century of struggle against Communism before the Soviet Union, as […]