Memo to the GOP: Dynamic capitalism is a virtue

Memo to the GOP: Dynamic capitalism is a virtue

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Mitt Romney has won a major victory in New Hampshire. He is the first non-incumbent Republican to capture both Iowa and the Granite State — a historic achievement. He has the money, momentum, organization and — perhaps most importantly — the air of inevitability going into South Carolina. Barring an unexpected development, […]

Teheran TV’s American hero: Ron Paul

Teheran TV’s American hero: Ron Paul

Special to By Kenneth R. Timmerman The Iranian regime’s English language propaganda channel, PressTV, has discovered a new American idol: presidential contender Rep. Ron Paul. PressTV has stepped up its coverage of Paul’s campaign to win the Republican presidential nomination in recent weeks, featuring his anti-Israel rants, his claim that sanctions against Iran are […]