Why President Obama continues to beat up a bickering Republican Party

Why President Obama continues to beat up a bickering Republican Party

Special to WorldTribune.com By Thomas J. Basile You have to hand it to the President. He is very transparent about his vision for America and his ideological crusade to, in his words, “remake” this nation. He’s not the kind of guy who keeps you guessing. I actually like that about him. It’s his hubris but […]

Republicans are about to drink the amnesty kool-aid

Republicans are about to drink the amnesty kool-aid

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Republicans are on the verge of committing suicide. In the wake of President Obama’s re-election, many conservatives are demanding the GOP embrace amnesty for illegal aliens. The official term is “comprehensive immigration reform.” Sean Hannity has now “evolved” on the issue. Others — Dick Morris, Charles Krauthammer and The Wall Street Journal’s […]

National security, the Muslim Brotherhood and Sec. of State Clinton’s top aide

National security, the Muslim Brotherhood and Sec. of State Clinton’s top aide

Special to WorldTribune.com By Cliff Kincaid Sen. John McCain has become a left-wing media darling for defending Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin against truthful charges that she has family connections to the pro-terrorist Muslim Brotherhood. Andrew McCarthy notes there used to be a time when McCain was alarmed by the advance of the Muslim Brotherhood. […]