At Jihad summer camp, kids told to man up: ‘No time left for playing’

At Jihad summer camp, kids told to man up: ‘No time left for playing’

Special to Children aren’t psychologically prepared to become terrorists, a psychoanalyst said of thousands of kids in Gaza who attend summer terror training camps. Fadil Abu Hein told the Palestinian Arab Ma’an News Agency that “during childhood, children need to play, have fun, feel happy and all such things which help develop the human […]

U.S. judge rules for Palestinian Authority in terror attack that killed U.S. teens

U.S. judge rules for Palestinian Authority in terror attack that killed U.S. teens

Special to WASHINGTON — A U.S. federal district court has ordered the destruction of a secret memorandum that links the Palestinian Authority to the killing of three Jewish teenagers. The federal district court in Washington has ruled that the PA could conceal a document that linked the Ramallah regime to a Palestinian suicide bombing […]

Syrian regime said to target Palestinians who won’t fight uprising

Syrian regime said to target Palestinians who won’t fight uprising

Special to LONDON — The Palestine Liberation Organization has been targeted by the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad. Palestinian sources said Assad regime agents have been attacking and killing PLO officers in refugee camps amid the Sunni revolt in Syria. They said at least three Palestinian officers were assassinated around Damascus, including a […]