Two tough Asian leaders will be rememered longer than nicer mediocrities

Two tough Asian leaders will be rememered longer than nicer mediocrities

Special to By Donald Kirk, When it comes to judging the performance of deceased national leaders under the icy glare of historical research, strongmen go down in collective memory as tough guys who defeated their enemies and built up their countries. Weak leaders are often regarded as mediocrities, especially if they were overthrown. […]

Had JFK lived, would the Democrat establishment have been anti-Communist like him?

Had JFK lived, would the Democrat establishment have been anti-Communist like him?

Special to By Donald Kirk, We’ll never hear the end of questions about what a different world it would have been if President John Fitzgerald Kennedy had not been shot and killed one sunny day in Dallas in 1963. The 50th anniversary, Nov. 22, has spawned countless articles and a number of books […]

Do Americans recall past ‘forgotten wars’ or care about ones to come?

Do Americans recall past ‘forgotten wars’ or care about ones to come?

Special to By Donald Kirk, SEOUL — The United States has been throwing around millions and billions and trillions for so many lost causes, unjust causes and dumb causes that it’s hardly surprising to realize that Egypt ranks as one of the biggest recipients of American largesse. As far as I know, only […]

Daughter of a controversial leader runs for president of South Korea

Daughter of a controversial leader runs for president of South Korea

Special to By Donald Kirk, The specter of Park Geun-Hye running for president of the Republic of Korea evokes almost as many memories for those foreigners who were here during the reign of her father as it does for millions of Koreans who share quite differing perspectives. As a journalist in pursuit of […]