Hillary loses cool with Greenpeace activist: ‘Sick’ of attacks on her hunger for fossil fuel cash

Hillary loses cool with Greenpeace activist: ‘Sick’ of attacks on her hunger for fossil fuel cash

Special to WorldTribune.com Hillary Clinton blew a gasket recently when a Greenpeace activist challenged the Democratic front-runner on her insatiable taste for campaign cash from major fossil fuel companies. At a March 31 rally on the State University of New York at Purchase campus, Greenpeace activist Eva Resnick-Day asked Clinton, “Will you act on your […]

Time for Obama to make up his mind on the Keystone pipeline? Don’t hold your breath

Time for Obama to make up his mind on the Keystone pipeline? Don’t hold your breath

John J. Metzler MONTREAL — The business plan and logic are seemingly simple enough; deliver up to 830,000 barrels of Alberta oil sands petroleum a day to U.S. Gulf coast refineries through a new pipeline. The specifics become more complicated; the 1,900 km oil pipeline from Alberta will cross six American states and go to […]

U.S. global competitiveness ranking: From 1 to 7th since 2007

U.S. global competitiveness ranking: From 1 to 7th since 2007

John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — As the seemingly interminable election campaign nears the finish line, there are a few glaringly missing topics which remain almost untouched. The first deals with an issue affecting nearly everyone and the other one which may determine America’s future scientific prowess and potential. Gasoline prices. Here we have record […]

Noticing Romney’s unnoticed energy proposal

Noticing Romney’s unnoticed energy proposal

Sol W. Sanders   Stolid Mitt Romney has come up with an energy plan with a stinger in its tail. The mainstream media, fixated on distractions of the Democratic matador’s cape, virtually ignored it. Energy aficionados gave it a ho-hum reception since it calls on hoary common-sense arguments. But the plan contains a magnificent hidden […]

Barack Obama, a ‘Christian’, has declared war on the Judeo Christian culture

Barack Obama, a ‘Christian’, has declared war on the Judeo Christian culture

Jeffrey T. Kuhner In 2008, the media peddled the false narrative that then-Sen. Barack Obama was a post-partisan pragmatist. In 2012, he is being sold as a compassionate Christian who champions social justice, economic fairness and civil rights — a combination of Martin Luther King Jr. and President Franklin D. Roosevelt. He is neither. The […]

Neither Barack nor Teddy, but more like Vladimir

Neither Barack nor Teddy, but more like Vladimir

Jeffrey T. Kuhner President Obama has been reborn as a populist. At a major speech this week in Kansas, Mr. Obama outlined the themes of his 2012 re-election campaign. He is a champion of the middle class, which he claims is under siege. Their enemies are big business, corporations and the rich. He chose Osawatomie […]