Special to WorldTribune.com Jeffrey T. Kuhner It’s official: Donald Trump is America’s Hitler. This is now the relentless drumbeat of the mainstream media, along with the Democratic and GOP establishment. The Republican front-runner is being smeared and demonized in a way not seen since Ronald Reagan. Back then, liberals and Beltway Republicans — including George […]
Wesley Pruden Sodomy is the latest hot thing in Washington. You don’t have to participate in it to think how cool it is. The love that dare not speak its name has become the passion that shouts from the housetops. Closets are emptying all over town. From now on – “going forward,” in the cliché […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Cliff Kincaid Conservative columnist and author Ann Coulter is trying to rationalize her outspoken support for Mitt Romney in the wake of his stunning defeat. “Romney was not the problem” is the title over her latest column. “Don’t Blame Romney” was the title over her column immediately after his defeat. “Romney […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Larry Ward and Carter Clews Oddly enough, perhaps the biggest loser in last week’s Republican debacle wasn’t even on the ballot. He didn’t shake a single hand, nuzzle the napes of any newborn babes or promise eager voters pie in the sky or peace on Earth. His name was Karl Rove. […]