A national disgrace: Clinton’s real legacy, a disaster America is still paying for

A national disgrace: Clinton’s real legacy, a disaster America is still paying for

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Former President Bill Clinton has emerged as a hero to many Americans, especially liberals. He has become a Democratic icon, a deeply beloved figure. This is why he was tapped to give the nomination speech for President Obama’s re-election at the Democratic National Convention. The delegates in Charlotte loved it. The reason […]

Corruption personified: Bill Clinton’s rehabilitation by the Democrat media

Corruption personified: Bill Clinton’s rehabilitation by the Democrat media

Special to WorldTribune.com By Cliff Kincaid The author of the explosive book, The Whistleblower: How the Clinton White House Stayed in Power to Reemerge in the Obama White House, tells Accuracy in Media that the scheduled speaking appearance of former President Bill Clinton at the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday is more evidence that the […]