Orwellian and surreal: The hypocrisy of Bill Clinton’s party and Herman Cain

Orwellian and surreal: The hypocrisy of Bill Clinton’s party and Herman Cain

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Liberals are determined to destroy Herman Cain. The Republican presidential candidate is tied or ahead of the presumptive front-runner, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. He has been running an anti-establishment, insurgent campaign that champions sweeping tax reform and a pro-growth agenda. He is a Southern populist who touts his private-sector experience. He […]

A populist, black Goldwater lights a grass-roots prairie fire

A populist, black Goldwater lights a grass-roots prairie fire

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Herman Cain continues to soar in the polls. In some, he is leading the presumptive front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination, Mitt Romney. What accounts for Mr. Cain’s meteoric rise? He is the anti-Romney. The media class despises Mr. Cain. The establishment GOP and some neoconservatives dismiss him as a lightweight. Both […]