Why conservatives should take a closer look at Mike Huckabee

Why conservatives should take a closer look at Mike Huckabee

Special to WorldTribune.com By Grace Vuoto The GOP has a tested, vetted candidate who won Iowa in 2008 and finished runner-up to eventual nominee Sen. John McCain in the delegate count. In the public arena of noisy, well-funded information campaigns, it’s easy to overlook the former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. Is he the one who […]

What Giuliani said squares with what Obama has done

What Giuliani said squares with what Obama has done

Special to WorldTribune.com By Grace Vuoto Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani has sparked a media firestorm for stating the obvious: President Barack Hussein Obama does not love America. “I do not believe — and I know this is a horrible thing to say — but I do not believe that the president loves America,” […]

#11 — Forensic findings on Obama’s birth certificate: ‘A 100 percent forgery, no doubt about it’

#11 — Forensic findings on Obama’s birth certificate: ‘A 100 percent forgery, no doubt about it’

TOP 2014 STORIES Special to WorldTribune.com, July 8 By Grace Vuoto There is a problem with President Barack Obama’s long-form birth certificate: It’s a forgery, say multiple forensic experts who have examined it. A report detailing the evidence will soon be presented to Congress. On April 27, 2011 the White House released Mr. Obama’s long-form […]

It’s come to this: Time to impeach ‘Emperor Obama’

It’s come to this: Time to impeach ‘Emperor Obama’

Special to WorldTribune.com By Grace Vuoto President Barack Obama is in open defiance of the U.S. Constitution. This week, in an address to the nation, he announced he is granting relief from deportation to approximately 4 to 5 million illegal immigrants. He is doing this, even though he has said, in numerous speeches since he […]

The latest celebrity media trend: Inappropriate behavior by female ‘cougars’

The latest celebrity media trend: Inappropriate behavior by female ‘cougars’

Special to WorldTribune.com By Grace Vuoto On the recent episodes of NBC’s America’s Got Talent the female judges, former Spice Girl band member Mel B. and former supermodel Heidi Klum are salivating over young male performers. This is part of a larger social trend whereby older women are dating younger men — and also talking […]

Trouble in paradise? Beyoncé-Jay Z public sex romp not unprecedented in la-la land

Trouble in paradise? Beyoncé-Jay Z public sex romp not unprecedented in la-la land

Special to WorldTribune.com By Grace Vuoto At this year’s Grammy Awards, married singers Beyoncé and Jay Z performed a racy number onstage that included his fondling of her posterior — right before the prying eyes of a boisterous live audience and millions watching on television. Beyoncé sang “Drunk In Love” on a spinning chair in […]

How the pro-life movement is winning American hearts and minds

How the pro-life movement is winning American hearts and minds

Special to WorldTribune.com By Grace Vuoto This year the annual March for Life in the nation’s capital, the largest anti-abortion rally in the world with about 600,000 attendees, marks a milestone: public opinion in America is changing as the pro-life movement gains more adherents. Since Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in America in 1973, approximately […]

Two years later, Congress to investigate the crash that killed members of SEAL Team Six

Two years later, Congress to investigate the crash that killed members of SEAL Team Six

Special to WorldTribune.com By Grace Vuoto At last, there will be a congressional inquiry into the strange circumstances surrounding the fatal helicopter crash in Afghanistan in August 2011, which resulted in the deaths of 30 American service members and 8 Afghans, including elite troops from Navy SEAL Team Six, the contingent who killed Osama bin […]

Forgettable fathers: Tribute to a wise teacher of life lessons

Forgettable fathers: Tribute to a wise teacher of life lessons

Special to WorldTribune.com By Grace Vuoto Fathers are like the pillars of a bridge — no one notices them unless they are not there. They are indispensable, mostly in so far as they selflessly serve others. The role of a father is not glamorous. And his value is easily overlooked, until the day he is […]

What happened to SEAL Team Six? The most serious scandal of all

What happened to SEAL Team Six? The most serious scandal of all

Special to WorldTribune.com By Grace Vuoto The media is now consistently referring to three scandals engulfing the Obama presidency, even using a shorthand expression such as a “trifecta” of troubling incidents. Yet, there is a scandal brewing that is worse than the Department of Justice violating freedom of the press, the Internal Revenue Service abusing […]