Obama’s overspending ensures Euro-debt will devastate U.S.

Obama’s overspending ensures Euro-debt will devastate U.S.

Jeffrey T. Kuhner President Obama’s budget puts America on the path toward Greece. It is a reckless document, a stunning betrayal of U.S. economic interests. By its own numbers, Obamanomics leads to national bankruptcy. Unless there is a dramatic course correction, we will share the bleak fate of the Greeks: riots, chaos and internationally imposed […]

3,000 Bedouins attack Egyptian reactor site

3,000 Bedouins attack Egyptian reactor site

Special to WorldTribune.com CAIRO — The Egyptian government, amid opposition by Bedouins and environmentalists, has reaffirmed its nuclear energy program. On Jan. 13, an estimated 3,000 Bedouins and environmentalists stormed Dabaa, located along the western Mediterranean coast. Officials said the government has estimated damage at the reactor construction site at $80 million. Prime Minister Kamal […]