Out of Pakistan: Former President Musharraf leaves three years after he returned in bid to regain power

Out of Pakistan: Former President Musharraf leaves three years after he returned in bid to regain power

Special to WorldTribune.com Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan’s former president who is facing a litany of charges including high-treason, left the country on March 18 three years after returning from exile and vowing to regain power. Musharraf, who took power in a 1999 coup and a staunch U.S. ally after the 9/11 attacks, was removed from the […]

In Washington, if the tale is wagging it’s a friendly

In Washington, if the tale is wagging it’s a friendly

Wesley Pruden Barack Obama is laying out a revolutionary agenda for his second term, and he’s calling up his heaviest artillery to enforce the transformative presidency delayed in the first. The campaign to confirm Chuck Hagel will be no campaign for the faint-hearted summer soldiers who know only small-caliber combat. The emerging White House strategy […]