‘Rove Republicans’ line Karl’s pockets on nation’s road to ruin

‘Rove Republicans’ line Karl’s pockets on nation’s road to ruin

Special to WorldTribune.com By Larry Ward and Carter Clews Karl Rove has declared war on the conservative wing of the GOP, and the Republican Party now risks being reduced to rubble. This is yet another in a series of internecine conflagrations that a certain segment of the party insists on reigniting every decade, or so, […]

Ron Paul campaign using Soros-funded research for attacks

Ron Paul campaign using Soros-funded research for attacks

Special to WorldTribune.com Based on an article by Cliff Kincaid for Accuracy in Media Rick Santorum told Ron Paul in Saturday’s debate: “You should know better than to cite George Soros-like organizations.” The comment came in response to attacks on Santorum’s record from the Texas Congressman and libertarian running in the Republican presidential primaries. Exposed […]