Female suicide bombers kill 58 in Nigerian camp

Female suicide bombers kill 58 in Nigerian camp

Special to WorldTribune.com At least 58 people were killed when a pair of Boko Haram female suicide bombers disguised as refugees blew themselves up at a camp in northeastern Nigeria. Relief officials in Nigeria’s Borno state said dozens of others were spared when a third bomber refused to detonate her explosives when she discovered that […]

Spiritual leader of Somali-based Al-Shabaab pledges allegiance to ISIL

Spiritual leader of Somali-based Al-Shabaab pledges allegiance to ISIL

Special to WorldTribune.com Islamic State of Iraq and Levant’s (ISIL’s) reach in Africa has expanded as the spiritual leader of Al-Shabaab, in a video message, pledged his loyalty to the terror organization. In the video, Abdul Qadir Mumin, who ranks high in Al-Shabaab’s power structure, and several other of the group’s jihadists based in Somalia’s […]

Obama: Climate change contributed to terror groups’ rise

Obama: Climate change contributed to terror groups’ rise

Special to WorldTribune.com As Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) turned up the heat, seizing Ramadi, Iraq and Palmyra, Syria in less than a week, President Barack Obama declined to threaten U.S. intervention. Instead he suggested that it is the Earth’s turned up heat that is to blame for the precipitous rise of groups […]

The great Africa switcheroo: U.S. policy is now ideological, while China’s is pragmatic

The great Africa switcheroo: U.S. policy is now ideological, while China’s is pragmatic

Special to WorldTribune.com Gregory R. Copley, GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs The global strategic framework has changed beyond recognition in the past decade, even if the majority of the world’s population cannot grasp it. The face of Africa, however, is changing as we watch, and will transform beyond recognition within the coming few years. As with […]

Al Qaida reports execution of German hostage in Nigeria

Al Qaida reports execution of German hostage in Nigeria

Special to WorldTribune.com WASHINGTON — Al Qaida has warned the West against trying to rescue hostages held in North Africa through military means. Al Qaida Organization in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) has reported the death of a European hostage said to have been killed in a botched rescue attempt. AQIM said the operation was sponsored […]