2 of 3 South Korean students in survey thought their country started the 1950 war

2 of 3 South Korean students in survey thought their country started the 1950 war

Special to WorldTribune.com East-Asia-Intel.com In a shocking poll, 69 percent of South Korea’s high school students believed that it was the South that started the Korean War in 1950. President  Park Geun-Hye expressed dismay on June 17 during a cabinet meeting in the Blue House, the presidential office/residence complex in Seoul. “This kind of wrong […]

Diving into the pool system: State media and the free press in S. Korea

Diving into the pool system: State media and the free press in S. Korea

Special to WorldTribune.com By Donald Kirk, East-Asia-Intel.com We’ve all seen journalists’ stories about getting stories — tales of facing down danger, of dealing with the bureaucracy, battling censorship, all of that. Foreign correspondents have written numerous books on their adventures in pursuit of news. They have little to say, though, about regurgitating material from “pool […]