U.S. takes fresh look at Yemen’s security needs after election

U.S. takes fresh look at Yemen’s security needs after election

Special to WorldTribune.com WASHINGTON — The United States has conducted an examination of Yemen’s defense and security requirements as part of a plan to increase aid to the Gulf Arab state. Officials said the U.S. review by the Defense Department began in wake of the election of President Abbed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, who replaced Ali […]

New U.S. policy expands drone ops against Al Qaida in Yemen

New U.S. policy expands drone ops against Al Qaida in Yemen

Special to WorldTribune.com WASHINGTON — Yemen has approved a U.S. plan to expand and streamline unmanned aerial attacks on Al Qaida. Officials said the administration of President Barack Obama has won Sanaa’s approval for an expanded UAV campaign against Al Qaida in the Gulf Arab state. They said the CIA and Joint Special Operations Command, […]