Cleaning up the debris from Obamacare confronts nation with a whole new crisis

Cleaning up the debris from Obamacare confronts nation with a whole new crisis

Sol W. Sanders   Whether Obamacare continues to implode or dissolves under a Republican landslide in next year’s Congressional and 2016 presidential elections, the debris it leaves behind will be horrendous. It presents new problems for a vast U.S. medical health care system already marginally dysfunctional before President Barack Obama’s misguided intended reform. And one […]

As the dust settles, the crisis escalates

As the dust settles, the crisis escalates

Sol W. Sanders   Out of the Washington political chaos of the past few weeks, two overwhelmingly critical questions have yet to be decided. Can a wily President Barack Obama, despite his Administration’s repeatedly demonstrated incompetence in both domestic and foreign policy, rescue what he may eventually regard as the only monument to his presidency— […]

To hell with comprehensive solutions in general and Obamacare in particular

To hell with comprehensive solutions in general and Obamacare in particular

Sol W. Sanders   Lost in the political fracas in the aftermath of the Supreme Court decision, but emeshed in the still expanding bureaucratic jungle — and cost — of Obamacare is a fundamental issue: it is another failed attempt at “a comprehensive solution” to complex problems. It‘s not a new phenomenon. Since the French […]