Sudanese troops kill 45 rebels as Darfour fighting resumes

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CAIRO — Heavy fighting has resumed in Sudan’s Darfour.

Rebels in Sudan's Darfour region. /AFP/Albert Gonzalez Farran

The Sudanese Army said rebels have clashed with soldiers in North
Darfour in early June.

In a series of clashes, the Army said, at least 45 Darfour rebels were killed.

“There were also Sudanese troops killed,” Sudanese Army spokesman
Sawarme Khalid Saad said.

In an interview on Sudanese state radio on June 3, Saad did not specify Army casualties. He said fighting erupted when the rebel Justice and Equality Movement attacked the North Darfour town of Fataha.

“They attacked the market and killed people,” Saad said.

JEM has been deemed a leading rebel movement in Sudan. Officials said
the new republic of South Sudan helped JEM bolster operations in Darfour in

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