Saudi Prince Bandar on Iran deal: Obama ignored the intel, motivated by ideology

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The Obama administration was intent on capping the nuclear deal with Iran even though intelligence officials predicted the same outcome, or worse, as the U.S. deal with North Korea, Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan said.

Bandar, a former ambassador to Washington, wrote in an opinion piece for the London Elaph news site that “President (Barack) Obama made his decision to go ahead with the Iran nuclear deal fully aware that the strategic foreign policy analysis, the national intelligence information, and America’s allies in the region’s intelligence all predict not only the same outcome of the North Korean nuclear deal but worse — with the billions of dollars that Iran will have access to.”

Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan
Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan

“It will wreak havoc in the Middle East which is already living in a disastrous environment, in which Iran is a major player in the destabilization of the region,” Bandar said.

Bandar added that “serious pundits in the media and in politics say that President Obama’s Iran deal is ‘deja vu’ in relation to President (Bill) Clinton’s North Korean nuclear deal.”

Clinton’s 1994 “Agreed Framework” with North Korea was based on strategic foreign policy analysts, top secret national intelligence, and the desire “to save the people of North Korea from starvation,” Bandar wrote.

The 1994 framework broke down in 2003 when North Korea announced its withdrawal from the international Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Chinese intelligence reports that Pyongyang now has as many as 20 nuclear warheads.

Clinton “would not have made that decision” had he known it was based on “a major intelligence failure” and “wrong foreign policy analysis,” wrote Bandar, nephew of Saudi King Salman.

Bandar wondered why Obama would move ahead with such an agreement “knowing what President Clinton didn’t know when he made his deal with North Korea?”

Obama “ideologically believes what he is doing is right,” said Bandar. “Everything else, that could be a disastrous result of his decision, I believe he thinks it is acceptable collateral damage.

“I am convinced more than any other time that my good friend, the magnificent old fox Henry Kissinger, was correct when he said ‘America’s enemies should fear America, but America’s friends should fear America more,’ ” wrote Prince Bandar, quoting the former U.S. secretary of state under former presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.

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