Saudi King Salman hospitalized after erratic behavior

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Saudi King Salman, said to suffer from dementia, was hospitalized after “he went crazy” and attempted to injure himself, sources said.

Saudi King Salman. /Getty Images
Saudi King Salman. /Getty Images

Arabic-language al-Ahd news agency reported on Oct. 8 that the 79-year-old Salman was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) section of King Faisal Specialist Hospital in Riyadh. Sources said Salman had to be restrained and placed under heavy sedation.

Due to the king’s unstable condition, Saudi officials have called off plans to move Salman to a U.S. hospital, the sources said.

The Saudi government is currently being administered by Crown Prince Muhammad bin Nayef.

One prince, who is a grandson of founder Abdulaziz Ibn Saud, told the UK’s Guardian that the royal family and the public are questioning the leadership of Salman, who acceded the throne in January.

The prince said he wrote two letters earlier this month calling for Salman to be removed.

“The king is not in a stable condition and in reality the son of the king is ruling the kingdom,” the prince said. “So four or possibly five of my uncles will meet soon to discuss the letters. They are making a plan with a lot of nephews and that will open the door. A lot of the second generation is very anxious.”

“The public are also pushing this very hard, all kinds of people, tribal leaders,” the prince added. “They say you have to do this or the country will go to disaster.”

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