Russia’s ruble agreement gives it access to N. Korean resources, punishes U.S.

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By Lee

Russia and North Korea have agreed to settlements in rubles in all trade between the two countries.
Russia and North Korea have agreed to settlements in rubles in all trade between the two countries.

SEOUL — The recent agreement between Russia and North Korea to use the rubles in all their bilateral trade has raised concerns that it would help Pyongyang dodge U.S-led international sanctions, government officials and analysts here say.

In a meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission on Trade, Economic and Scientific-Technical Cooperation held in Vladivostok, Russia in early June, Pyongyang and Moscow signed an agreement on the transition to ruble settlement in all two-way trade.

The North also agreed to simplify the visa process for Russian businessmen and allow them to use the Internet and mobile communications while in the country.

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