Russia’s Northern Fleet on high alert for massive arctic exercise

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By Miles Yu,

On March 16, Russian President Vladimir Putin, issued a military order to 38,000 troops to launch a massive arctic exercise.

The arctic exercise of Russia's Northern Fleet will involve maneuvers to sink enemy war ships.
The arctic exercise of Russia’s Northern Fleet will involve maneuvers to sink enemy war ships.

Re-emerging after a mysterious disappearance from the public eye for more than 10 days, Putin and his order caught the Russian military off guard.

The presidential order called for swift movements designed to test the Russian forces’ readiness to mobilize on a massive scale for a major military operation.

Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu later assured the Russian press that “the constant military presence in the Arctic and the possibility to protect the state’s interest by military means are regarded as an integral part of the general policy to guarantee national security.”

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