Russia sends missile systems to guard air assets in Syria

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Moscow has sent anti-aircraft missile systems to Syria to protect its air force assets, the commander of Russia’s air force said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin Gen. Viktor Bondarev. /Reuters/Alexei Nikolsky
Russian President Vladimir Putin with Gen. Viktor Bondarev. /Reuters/Alexei Nikolsky

Gen. Viktor Bondarev said in a recent interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper that Russia delivered unidentified air defense systems to protect Moscow’s expanded military presence in Syria, which is now said to have risen to 4,000 personnel.

“We took into account every possible threat,” Bondarev said. “There could be various force majeur situations. Let’s imagine a military plane is hijacked and taken to a neighboring country and air strikes are aimed at us. And we have to be ready for this.

“We have calculated all possible threats. We have sent not only fighter jets, bombers and helicopters, but also missile systems.”

Russia began its air campaign in Syria against anti-Assad regime rebels and Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) on Sept. 30. Last month, Moscow increased the number of sorties per day to over 60 and has totaled over 1,000 missions to date in the air campaign.

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