Report: Obama lifts U.S. ban on immigrants with links to terror groups

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WASHINGTON — The Muslim Brotherhood has succeeded in revising a U.S. law that prevented the entry of foreigners with links to groups on the State Department terror list, a report said.

The Center for Security Policy asserted that the administration of President Barack Obama eliminated measures to prevent entry to immigrants with links to insurgency groups.

p022814ps-0425On Feb. 5, the State Department and Homeland Security Department said foreigners, including refugees, who provided “limited material support” to groups deemed terrorist would be allowed into the United States.

“The new policy decree marks a significant win for agents of influence belonging to advocacy groups acting on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood agenda to pursue ‘civilization jihad,'” the report, titled “U.S. Lifts Ban on Immigrants With Links to Terrorism,” said.

Author Clare Lopez, who spent 20 years as an operations officer in the CIA, said the administration lifted the restrictions without consulting Congress. She said those benefiting from the move would be those who had helped terror groups under the guise of humanitarian assistance.

“Those evaluating these cases will be ordered to ignore red flags in the
applications, especially if the applicant is supported by one of the many
advocacy groups that have the ear of senior DHS staff,” former State
Department official Jessica Vaughan was quoted as saying.

The report said the latest exemptions on immigration were the result of
years of lobbying by Brotherhood lobbyists in Washington. Ms. Lopez cited a
study by the Washington-based center that traced Brotherhood lobbying of the
Republican Party and conservative movement after Al Qaida’s suicide air
strikes on New York and Washington on 2001.

Brotherhood operatives have already been named key consultants in the
U.S. security establishment and White House. In 2012, five House members
called for an investigation of Brotherhood influence in the Defense
Department, Homeland Security Department, Justice Department and U.S.
intelligence community.

“Allowing political asylees and refugees known to have provided material
support to terrorism to enter the country is yet one more milestone step
bringing U.S. policy into closer compliance with sharia objectives — to our
great detriment,” the report said.

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