Premier-designate Li Keqiang, as Hu Jintao protege, may be outgunned on policy

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By Willy Lam,

Owing to a quirk in the Chinese political calendar, there is a gap of at least four months between the selection of the party leaders and that of government leaders.

Li Keqiang, left, and Xi Jinping are taking power as premier and president.
Li Keqiang, left, and Xi Jinping are taking power as premier and president.

Thus while Li Keqiang was named the second most senior member of the seven-man Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Politburo Standing Committee (PBSC) last November, he will not be confirmed as successor of out-going Premier Wen Jiabao until the plenary session of the National People’s Congress (NPC), which opens in Beijing on March 5.

Li is perhaps the best-qualified head of government in recent memory.

He has a law degree and a doctorate in economics from prestigious Peking University. The 57-year-old technocrat is also the only member of the Politburo who speaks English well.

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