What North Korea hoped to gain from unexpected high-profile visit to South

Special to WorldTribune.com

By Lee Jong-HeonEast-Asia-Intel.com

Hwang Pyong-So arrives at the Incheon International Airport in Incheon, South Korea on Oct. 4.  /Kim Do-hoon/AP
Hwang Pyong-So arrives at the Incheon International Airport in Incheon, South Korea on Oct. 4. /Kim Do-hoon/AP

SEOUL — With North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un out of sight for more than a month apparently due to poor health, a surprise visit by a small but powerful North Korean delegation confused officials and analysts in Seoul.

A trio of top military-party officials — Hwang Pyong-So, Choe Ryong-Hae and Kim Yang-Gon — met South Korea’s top security officials during their one-day visit on Oct. 4, but nothing was disclosed about what brought them to Seoul so abruptly and what they discussed.

What the South Korean government did announce was that the North Koreans said Pyongyang was willing to hold a new round of high-level meetings between late October and early November.

Seoul’s Unification Ministry said that was all they said during the talks, stressing: “We have nothing to hide.”

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