North Korea confirms new defense chief after predecessor’s execution

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Two months after South Korea’s intelligence agency tellingly disclosed the shocking execution of Kim Jong-Un’s defense chief Vice Marshal Hyon Yong-Chol by close-range anti-aircraft gun fire, Pyongyang officially dispelled the last thread of doubts about the seemingly unbelievable story.

Gen. Pak Yong-Sik, circled, is presumably alert to the dos and don'ts of his new position as defense chief.
Gen. Pak Yong-Sik, circled, is presumably alert to the dos and don’ts of his new position as defense chief.

On July 11, the DPRK’s army Gen. Pak Yong-Sik was officially mentioned as the new defense chief while welcoming a fellow communist Laotian military delegation.

The execution of Hyon was considered so bizarre that the South Korean National Intelligence Service, which first disclosed the story, was under pressure to retract the announcement.

But since the disclosure, Pyongyang has not mentioned Hyon’s name, adding more to the credibility of Seoul’s narrative.

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