Moscow boosts strategic Syria ties with arms shipments, naval base

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Compiled by Miles Yu,

On Feb. 13, Russia’s head of state-run arms deal agency the Rosoboronexport caused an international stir with a statement that confirms Moscow’s determination to continue arms delivery to the Syrian regime in Damascus despite the deepening civil war in the nation.

The Russian-made Yak-130 trainer/fighter.
The Russian-made Yak-130 trainer/fighter.

“In the absence of sanctions, we are continuing to fulfill our contract obligations,” said Anatoly Isaikin of the Rosoboronexport. The position reflects Moscow’s consistent line that these weapons being shipped to Syria are not offensive in nature.

“We are mostly shipping air defense systems and repair equipment intended for various branches of the [Syrian] military,” he added.

Russia and China acted together in repeatedly blocking any UN sanction measures against the Syrian regime which caused the deaths of at least 60,000 people.

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