ISIL forces Syrian Christians to obey Shariah law, pay Islam tax in exchange for protection

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Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) is forcing Syrian Christians to pay an Islam tax and to sign a contract admitting their second-class status in ISIL dominated areas.

Isil militants use bulldozers to destroy the 5th century Mar Elian monastery in Qaryatain, Syria.
ISIL militants used bulldozers to destroy the 5th century Mar Elian monastery in Qaryatain, Syria.

The penalty for failure to pay the tax, called a jizya, could include execution. ISIL made its demands in the city of Qaryatain, formerly home to thousands of Christians but now dominated by Muslims.

According to the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), the ISIL contract also requires Christians to “respect Muslims and not criticize their religion,” the Blaze reported.

Christians who are forced to sign the contract must also agree to “not make Muslims hear the reciting of their books or the sounds of church bells, not carry out any act of aggression against ISIL, such as giving refuge to spies and wanted men, not to engage in commercial activity involving pigs or alcohol with Muslims, and must abide by ISIL dress code and commerce guidelines,” MEMRI reported.

In return, ISIL pledges to protect the Christian men and their properties.

The Shariah-law tax imposed by ISIL ranges between one and four gold dinars, depending on level of wealth.

Christians must abide by their forced second-class citizenship, or “dhimmi” status, and cannot own guns, build places of worship, show their crosses in public or even ring church bells.

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