Iran’s cash windfall from nuclear deal seen topping all U.S. aid to Israel since 1948

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As sanctions are lifted and its overseas assets are unfrozen, Iran’s cash haul from the recently-concluded nuclear deal could hit $150 billion, an Israeli official said. That amount would be more than all U.S. aid to Israel since the country’s founding in 1948.

Iranians burn Israeli and U.S. flags during Quds Day celebrations on July 10.  /ISNA
Iranians burn Israeli and U.S. flags during Quds Day celebrations on July 10. /ISNA

The $150 billion estimate was made by an Israeli envoy, according to a report.

Foreign Policy magazine put the number “north of $120 billion,” though oil revenues of about $20 billion per year would push it higher. The report estimated Iran would cash in to the tune of $420 billion over 15 years.

U.S. aid to Israel since 1948 is at $124.3 billion, according to the Congressional Research Service.

The Obama administration, however, put the amount of Iran’s windfall much lower at $50 billion. The White House claimed a large chunk of Teheran’s assets are “already obligated” to projects in China.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry insisted that Iran is only getting back “their own money.”

But analysts pointed out that a large amount of Israel’s aid is, by law, spent back in the United States – at least 75 percent of military aid.

Iran, meanwhile, is under no obligation to spend any of its foreign currency in the United States. And the Obama administration has even admitted that Teheran will no doubt pour a large amount of “their own money” into terrorist proxies it sponsors throughout the Middle East.

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