Hizbullah: Syrian Army bombs ISIL convoy loaded with explosives near Lebanese border

Special to WorldTribune.com

NICOSIA — Syria has halted an Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant convoy meant to target Hizbullah strongholds in Lebanon.

Hizbullah said the Syrian Army destroyed several vehicles sent by ISIL and Nusra Front for the Defense of Levant to Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley.

Syria Map QalamounOn Sept. 3, Hizbullah said the convoy, which included an armored personnel carrier, was packed with explosives.

“Several vehicles were supposed to have been used in simultaneous attacks,” a Hizbullah source said.

Hizbullah’s Al Manar television said the ISIL convoy was headed for the Lebanese border town of Brital, a stronghold of the Iranian-sponsored Shi’ite movement. The convoy, which also included a Syrian fire truck, was spotted and bombed as it traveled through Syria’s Qalamoun region.

“The first car would target an army or a police checkpoint, clearing the way for the other vehicles to proceed until the final destination is reached,” Hizbullah said.

The convoy marked what was termed the latest plot by ISIL and Nusra to attack Hizbullah and Lebanese military facilities. In August, ISIL and Nusra, rivals in Syria, attacked Lebanese Army units in the eastern Bekaa Valley town of Arsal and killed or abducted scores of soldiers.

“The terrorist threat on Lebanon is actual, real and continuous,” Hizbullah deputy commander Nabil Qawk said. “Whoever doubts or underestimates this is either ignorant or negligent, and he harms the top national interest of Lebanon.”

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