Easter Sunday, 2013: Cloudy in once sunny America

The Washington Post, in its Easter Sunday edition, raises a question at odds with its editorial policy: ”Time to stop hooking up? Why students are tired of casual sex’.

olympusThis is the same “Washington Compost” that crusades daily in its Style section for all forms of casual sex outside the boundaries of the Judeo Christian ethos that transformed Western Europe and then the United States paving the way for an enlightened world of peace.

But the twentieth century featured three world wars, the first two won by the Christian West and the third ideological showdown by the Marxist Leninists. Oh, did not Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher and the new conservative media prevail against the Soviet Union? Did not the Berlin Wall come down?

Chris Banescu, writing for the American Thinker, points out the obvious. The once-Christian U.S. won the war but lost the culture and its soul in the process.

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