Chinese military attempted to hack Missouri water plant

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The fear of U.S. infrastructure being vulnerable to Chinese military hacking attacks was further intensified after a tech publication revealed that the Chinese military attempted to hack a water plant in Missouri.

Of all the cyber attacks tracked by a U.S. security company, half originated in China.
Of all the cyber attacks tracked by a U.S. security company, half originated in China.

The report from the online tech journal Quartz concluded that “new research confirms one of the scarier possibilities: that the Chinese army is going after critical U.S. infrastructure.”

In a feature story, Quartz asked “If the Chinese army is trying to hack a Missouri water plant, what else is it infiltrating?”

The article cited the research conducted by a security company called Trend Micro, which uses an elaborate system of tricks to track sophisticated electronic “honeypots” set up in a dozen foreign countries.

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