Cheney speech sums up Iran deal as ‘madness’

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The Iran nuclear deal is “madness” and will ultimately give Teheran the means to launch a nuclear attack on the U.S. homeland, former Vice President Dick Cheney said on Sept. 8.

In a speech at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C., Cheney said the deal will see the “arming and funding (of) Iran while simultaneously providing them a pathway to a nuclear arsenal.”

Dick Cheney
Dick Cheney

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JPA) “is not an act of peace, is not — as the president claims — the only alternative to war. It’s madness,” Cheney said.

President Barack Obama has shored up enough Democrat support to ensure the deal’s survival despite opposition from a majority in Congress and the American people.

Cheney said that, as a result of the JPA, Iran will eventually have the capability to launch a nuclear attack on the United States and threatens the security of “our Arab allies across the Middle East” and the security of Europe.

The “deal has vast implications for the future security of the Jewish people,” he said, noting that it would take a nuclear-armed Iran only “one day” to kill six million Jews — the number that were killed in World War II.

Cheney said the agreement represented an “intricately crafted capitulation.”

“Every member of Congress swears to defend the Constitution from enemies outside our shores,” Cheney said. “A vote to reject that agreement will do that, approving it will not.”

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