Hip, hot and evolving but the blessing will have to wait

Hip, hot and evolving but the blessing will have to wait

Wesley Pruden Sodomy is the latest hot thing in Washington. You don’t have to participate in it to think how cool it is. The love that dare not speak its name has become the passion that shouts from the housetops. Closets are emptying all over town. From now on – “going forward,” in the cliché […]

Fire sale at the White House, as noted by even none other than the N.Y. Times

Fire sale at the White House, as noted by even none other than the N.Y. Times

Wesley Pruden Bubba was a piker. The Clinton White House sold sleepovers in the Lincoln Bedroom that were cheap at the price. Barack Obama is auctioning off access to His Grandiosity for really big bucks. Unlike Hillary, Michelle doesn’t even have to straighten up the room and make up the bed when the guests leave. […]

Judgment Day at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Judgment Day at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Wesley Pruden “Sequestration,” which sounds like an impolite stomach ailment that almost nobody can spell and few understand, now gets really interesting. With the sequestration deadline having passed, the White House is under siege by reality. President Obama and his liege man have been crying from the rooftops for weeks that if he doesn’t get […]

Beware of good ol’ Joe who has now gone off half-cocked on the subject of guns

Beware of good ol’ Joe who has now gone off half-cocked on the subject of guns

Wesley Pruden Joe Biden, a gun nut. Who knew? The veep never fails to entertain, even when he’s trying not to, and this time his boss is probably not amused. Joe famously pushed President Obama to endorse same-sex marriage by sniffing the orange blossoms first, but if his advice for Americans to buy a shotgun […]

Republicans talk tough on Hagel yesterday, cave today

Republicans talk tough on Hagel yesterday, cave today

Wesley Pruden Nobody does tough-talking better than a Republican senator. It’s not easy talking tough, and the follow-through can be even harder. Last week John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina roasted and toasted Chuck Hagel, as if the republic would be in deadly peril if he were confirmed as secretary of […]

The president’s annual letter to Santa

The president’s annual letter to Santa

Wesley Pruden Once upon a time, a State of the Union speech occasionally produced something memorable. James Monroe, in his seventh try, came up with the Monroe Doctrine in 1823, which would be the cornerstone of American foreign policy for decades. Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed the Four Freedoms in 1941, arguing that people “everywhere in […]

All the president’s men and the music that moves them

All the president’s men and the music that moves them

Wesley Pruden Barack Obama says he’s not a Muslim, but a Christian. That’s his business, between the president and God. The president clearly has a soft spot in his heart for Islam. He once described the call to evening prayer, which he first heard as a child in a Muslim school in Indonesia, as “one […]

The generals retreat, tails between legs

The generals retreat, tails between legs

Wesley Pruden Wars are won despite the generals. Every historian knows that. Combat is no place for a woman. Every grunt knows that. So do most women. Only generals are confused. The Joint Chiefs of Staff have finally succumbed to the pressure of the ladies who can’t imagine ever getting close to a gun, registered […]

In Washington, if the tale is wagging it’s a friendly

In Washington, if the tale is wagging it’s a friendly

Wesley Pruden Barack Obama is laying out a revolutionary agenda for his second term, and he’s calling up his heaviest artillery to enforce the transformative presidency delayed in the first. The campaign to confirm Chuck Hagel will be no campaign for the faint-hearted summer soldiers who know only small-caliber combat. The emerging White House strategy […]

The terror threat of runaway testosterone

The terror threat of runaway testosterone

Wesley Pruden Code Red: Washington put on full terror alert. The terror of horrific testosterone threatens to paralyze the nation’s capital. We haven’t seen fear like this since the capital expected the Confederate army to march down Pennsylvania Avenue after P.G.T. Beauregard and his men thrashed the Yankees good and proper at First Manassas. What’s […]