Drugs, guns and madness in the Ron Paul revolution

Drugs, guns and madness in the Ron Paul revolution

Special to WorldTribune.com Based on an investigative report for Accuracy in Media by Cliff Kincaid Ron Paul didn’t do as well as the media thought he would in Iowa, but he is moving on toward New Hampshire, where the candidate has what the media call a good “ground game.” But the “Ron Paul Revolution” in […]

Former Obama communications director lobbied to save the Washington Post

Former Obama communications director lobbied to save the Washington Post

Special to WorldTribune.com Based on an article by Cliff Kincaid for Accuracy in Media When Anita Dunn hasn’t been on CNN or MSNBC bashing the Republican presidential candidates and/or praising President Obama, she has been successfully lobbying for a Washington Post subsidiary by the name of Kaplan University. You may remember Dunn as the Obama […]

TOP 2011 STORIES: Liberalism’s new frontiers of dysfunction: The tragic tale of Chastity Bono

TOP 2011 STORIES: Liberalism’s new frontiers of dysfunction: The tragic tale of Chastity Bono

Special to WorldTribune.com Wednesday, May 18, 2011 By Grace Vuoto She was an adorable little girl named Chastity — beautiful blonde hair, bright brown eyes and rosy cheeks. The daughter of entertainers Sonny & Cher looked like an ideal child in a photo taken decades ago with the then-married couple who beamed with pride. Yet, […]

Obama officials look other way as occupiers trash park that was refurbished with stimulus funds

Obama officials look other way as occupiers trash park that was refurbished with stimulus funds

Special to WorldTribune.com Based on an an article by Cliff Kincaid for Accuracy in Media The collusion between the Department of the Interior and the Occupy Wall Street movement has caught the attention of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa. This, in turn, has led to some coverage by the […]

N.Y. Times: ‘Modest’ global tax is cool with almost everyone except U.S. taxpayers

N.Y. Times: ‘Modest’ global tax is cool with almost everyone except U.S. taxpayers

Special to WorldTribune.com Based on an article by Cliff Kincaid for Accuracy in Media A New York Times story about a “modest” global tax mentions some of those supporting the idea but forgets an important one — the United Nations. At a Nov. 30 U.N.-sponsored conference in Washington, D.C., officials of the U.N. Development Program […]

Socialist groupthink is transforming America

Socialist groupthink is transforming America

Special to WorldTribune.com Based on an article by Cliff Kincaid for Accuracy in Media Democrats say they have dirt on Newt Gingrich, but he appears ready to speak out on the dirt he has on them. In a reference to his new book, Gingrich has accurately described the socialist infiltration of America: “The Left has […]

Barney Frank’s legacy: The rest of the sordid story

Barney Frank’s legacy: The rest of the sordid story

Special to WorldTribune.com Based on an article by Cliff Kincaid for Accuracy in Media The publication that published scores of stories about sexual charges against Republican Herman Cain whitewashed the documented [by The Washington Times] sex scandal that almost brought down Democratic Rep. Barney Frank. A liberal Democrat from Massachusetts, Frank has announced he will […]

Meals, toilets, and Marx: The life and times of UC Davis occupiers

Meals, toilets, and Marx: The life and times of UC Davis occupiers

Special to WorldTribune.com Based on an article by Cliff Kincaid for Accuracy in Media A campus conservative at UC Davis was so disgusted by slanted coverage of the Occupy movement that he reached out to Fox News and provided the channel a video showing police officers being surrounded by protesters after dismantling an illegal tent […]

Mesmerized by its enemies: U.S. spends trillions of petrodollars to nurture a virulent culture of hate

Mesmerized by its enemies: U.S. spends trillions of petrodollars to nurture a virulent culture of hate

Sol W. Sanders For those who lived through the World War II prelude and the Cold War, the current American dilemma dealing with Islam is all too familiar. To the extent historical analogies are valid, countering Islamic radical infiltration resembles nothing so much as a century of struggle against Communism before the Soviet Union, as […]

How the media obediently followed script on the ‘peaceful protest’ at UC Davis

How the media obediently followed script on the ‘peaceful protest’ at UC Davis

Special to WorldTribune.com Based on an article by Cliff Kincaid for Accuracy in Media Rather than being victims of police brutality, a new video shows that Occupiers at UC Davis knew they were going to be pepper sprayed and didn’t mind it. Indeed, the new video evidence indicates that the entire confrontation with the police […]