History of the Euro crisis: What happens when the center no longer holds?

History of the Euro crisis: What happens when the center no longer holds?

Sol W. Sanders The kaleidoscope of events and mock-events is moving so rapidly in the European crisis, even a dedicated netizen following events finds himself bemused. It might be good to look at a little history: The European effort to unify — after two bloody civil wars of near annihilation and the post-World War II […]

Boom! Welcome to the shale gas revolution

Boom! Welcome to the shale gas revolution

Sol W. Sanders While the Obama Administration has been busy lining the pockets of its campaign contributors with solar power handouts, an energy revolution is taking place even the Washington Luddites and GOSplanners can’t buck. American technology, borrowing offshore deep-water drilling techniques, has started exploiting huge deposits of natural gas buried deep in the earth […]

Unabashed competition paves the moral path forward, not coercive utopian cronyism

Unabashed competition paves the moral path forward, not coercive utopian cronyism

By Sol Sanders The cacophony from the left [and its politically correct mainstream media mirror] calling for amity, negotiation, compromise and immediate action to solve the current crisis is not only hypocritical and insincere but ahistorical. The American Republic was born and nurtured in conflict, not only on the battlefield but also in the world […]

The mess we’re in: A Poor Richard’s Debt Almanac

The mess we’re in: A Poor Richard’s Debt Almanac

By Sol Sanders The debt crisis is likely to be with us for quite a while. And since TV talking heads speak in gobbledygook, what better than a layman’s glossary? Herewith: Banks — Safehouses where hardworking individuals and corporations put their savings supposedly to discreetly finance other people’s worthy projects. Bonds — Paper representing company […]

Losing the war of ideas to radical Islam

Imagine two lines on a graph — one zigs and zags, another rises rapidly. They could represent two current unsettling world currents. The first would chart U.S. efforts to eradicate Islamic terrorists, on Afghanistan and Iraq battlefields but also a wider intellectual war against political Islam from Casablanca to Zamboanga. The second would trace a […]

With respect, George Will is wrong about Afghanistan

The time was the mid-60s in Saigon, in many ways the nadir of the American effort in Vietnam, in its way worse than the Embassy rooftop depaftures of 1975. Washington had staged a military coup against President Ngo Dinh Diem, the only anti-Communist leader with credentials, then had him murdered. There was a revolving door […]

China’s overlooked role in the not-so-Great Game

It’s become the cliché of clichés that Washington’s effort to stem the return of jihadists to power in Afghanistan and their seizing power in nuclear-armed neighboring Pakistan is The New Great Game. That is, it is successor to the extended and complex struggle between the Russian and British Empires in Central and South Asia throughout […]

Foreign policy playground: Naive, nightmarish, consequential

It comes as a shock for those of us who believed the U.S. for decades has suffered mightily from the hubris and otherworldliness of the U.S. professional diplomatic corps to see what is happening now. The Obama Administration, in a fury to change what it perceives to be, particularly, the style and substance of the […]

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