White House drumming up Arab support for Palestinian state

White House drumming up Arab support for Palestinian state

Special to WorldTribune.com WASHINGTON — The administration of President Barack Obama has been recruiting Arab states to support a U.S. drive for a Palestinian state in 2014. Officials said the White House and State Department have been lobbying Arab allies of Washington, to support a peace deal with Israel that would enable the establishment of […]

Abbas calls for unity government with ‘independent technocrats’, Hamas

Abbas calls for unity government with ‘independent technocrats’, Hamas

Special to WorldTribune.com RAMALLAH — The Palestinian Authority plans to delay another government to enable Hamas to join. PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas said he would renew consultations to form a government with the opposition Hamas movement. Abbas said such a government would comprise what he termed “independent technocrats” until the holding of elections. “President Mahmoud […]

Paralysis grips Palestinian Authority, Obama administration in daily contact

Paralysis grips Palestinian Authority, Obama administration in daily contact

Special to WorldTribune.com RAMALLAH — The Palestinian Authority has been struggling to find a replacement for Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. Palestinian sources said PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has been unable to find a consensus candidate to become the next prime minister. The administration of U.S. President Barack Obama, a leading donor to the PA, has […]

Israeli intel: Palestinian cells directed to stock up on rockets

Israeli intel: Palestinian cells directed to stock up on rockets

Special to WorldTribune.com TEL AVIV — Israel’s military has been bracing for Palestinian missile and rocket strikes from the West Bank. Military sources said the Home Front Command has assessed that Hamas and other Palestinian insurgency movements were building missile and rocket arsenals in the West Bank. The sources said the military command, responsible for […]

Obama enlists Arab allies for unified strategy to oust Assad

Obama enlists Arab allies for unified strategy to oust Assad

Special to WorldTribune.com WASHINGTON — The United States has sought to form an international coalition to oust Syrian President Bashar Assad in 2013. Officials said President Barack Obama has decided to launch an initiative to convene Arab and Western allies to end the civil war in Syria. They said Obama intends to meet the leaders […]

U.S. approves Turkish role in Israeli-Palestinian peace talks

U.S. approves Turkish role in Israeli-Palestinian peace talks

Special to WorldTribune.com ANKARA — The United States has agreed to allow Turkey’s participation in Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts, including developing the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip. U.S. and Turkish officials said Washington would enable Ankara to support and intervene in Israeli talks with the Palestinian Authority. They said the effort would include Turkish efforts to woo the […]

An Easter appeal for hope and God’s mercy

An Easter appeal for hope and God’s mercy

VATICAN CITY — Following are excerpts from the official English language translation provided by the Vatican of Pope Francis’ Easter Sunday message, delivered in Italian from the central balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica: I would like it to enter every heart, for it is there that God wants to sow this Good News: Jesus is […]

Arab American lobbyists urge Obama to cut aid to Israel

Arab American lobbyists urge Obama to cut aid to Israel

Special to WorldTribune.com WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama has been urged by Arab and Muslim organizations to suspend U.S. military aid to Israel. Arab and Muslim lobbyists invited to discuss Obama’s forthcoming visit to Israel and Jordan urged the president to reduce U.S. support for Israel during his second term. The lobbyists said the focus […]

Pentagon advances Obama trip to Israel with push for peace process

Pentagon advances Obama trip to Israel with push for peace process

Special to WorldTribune.com WASHINGTON — The U.S. military, on the eve of a visit by President Barack Obama, has urged an initiative for an Arab-Israeli settlement. The military’s Central Command said the establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank would be required for Middle East stability. Centcom said a U.S.-led peace process could […]

Palestinians organize protests against Obama’s visit

Palestinians organize protests against Obama’s visit

Special to WorldTribune.com RAMALLAH — Palestinians aligned with the ruling Fatah movement have begun organizing massive protests against U.S. President Barack Obama. Palestinian sources said groups aligned with Fatah were mobilizing for Obama’s visit to Israel and to the West Bank, expected to take place on March 22. The sources said the groups wanted to […]

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