‘Click farms’: China’s propaganda hubs proliferate Facebook likes

‘Click farms’: China’s propaganda hubs proliferate Facebook likes

Special to WorldTribune.com Inside China, EastAsiaIntel.com While China’s 700 million netizens are blocked from Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) English-language propaganda machine is harvesting social media fans around the world. Following top-down orders from president Xi Jinping to “tell China’s story” to the world, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are now rife […]

Drudge: Trump charges WaPo’s Bezos using paper to block him, anti-trust action . . .

Special to WorldTribune.com Drudge-Select — May 13, 2016 c/o DrudgeReport.com Trump: Bezos using his Washington Post against me and to save Amazon from anti-trust action … Zuckerberg wants to talk to conservatives … rolodex anyone? Billionaires flock to New Zealand Americans over 65 still working when possible … only the wealthy have retirement resources

How Facebook and big media control the message

How Facebook and big media control the message

Special to WorldTribune.com Spoiler alert: Actually, it’s no secret that Facebook makes clear to mostly left-leaning publishers what it wants on its mostly left-leaning News Feed. Peter Kafka, writing for recode.com, presented the “real Facebook media influence story.” Related: Former Facebook ‘journalist’: We routinely suppressed news favoring conservative values, May 9, 2016 The post included […]

Hizbullah commander, indicted in assassination of Lebanon’s Hariri, killed in blast

Hizbullah commander, indicted in assassination of Lebanon’s Hariri, killed in blast

Special to WorldTribune.com Hizbullah’s military commander, a main suspect in the 2005 assassination of Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, was killed in an Israeli airstrike in Syria, Arab media reported on May 12. Mustafa Badr al-Din died after what was called “a major explosion” at a Hizbullah facility near the Damascus airport. Israel Defense Forces […]

Al Qaida’s Nusra Front captures pro-Assad Alawite village

Al Qaida’s Nusra Front captures pro-Assad Alawite village

Special to WorldTribune.com Al Qaida affiliate Nusra Front and its Sunni Islamist allies seized an Alawite village in central Syria on May 12. Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham, an ultraconservative Sunni Islamic militant group, launched an assault on the village of Zara, killing more than 30 pro-Assad regime fighters, according to the Local Coordination Committees […]

At UN debate, platitudes about terrorism and near silence about state sponsors

At UN debate, platitudes about terrorism and near silence about state sponsors

Special to WorldTribune.com By John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — Stressing that terrorism “can only be defeated by a sustained and comprehensive approach” involving the active participation and collaboration of all States, the UN Security Council hosted an open debate on developing a counter-narrative campaign to in effect dissuade, discourage and ultimately defuse this widening […]

Sworn statement by Green Beret delivers blistering indictment of U.S. Afghanistan command

Sworn statement by Green Beret delivers blistering indictment of U.S. Afghanistan command

Special to WorldTribune.com A U.S. Army Green Beret said a “profound lack of strategy” has plagued the 14-year war effort in Afghanistan. “The enemy operates with impunity throughout the country due to our relentless commitment to avoid principled strategy and decision-making processes,” the Special Forces soldier says in a sworn statement, according to a report […]

Does China have more influence over South Korea than North Korea?

Does China have more influence over South Korea than North Korea?

Special to WorldTribune.com By Donald Kirk, EastAsiaIntel.com We keep hearing about all the influence the Chinese have over North Korea. If only they’d exert their power, maybe cut off or slow down the flow of oil that’s the lifeblood of the country, then the North Koreans would start talking seriously about giving up their nukes. […]

Bernie Sanders: Nominating Hillary would be disaster for party, nation

Bernie Sanders: Nominating Hillary would be disaster for party, nation

Special to WorldTribune.com While GOP leaders in Washington were inching toward solidarity with Donald Trump, Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders unleashed his harshest rhetoric to date against Hillary Clinton. Coming off victory in the West Virginia primary, his 20th win of the primary season, Sanders’ campaign said on May 11 the Democratic Party would be courting […]

Israeli fighter jets strike arms convoy near northern border

Israeli fighter jets strike arms convoy near northern border

Special to WorldTribune.com Intent on keeping “game-changing weaponry” out of the hands of terrorists, Israel said its fighter jets on May 10 attacked a weapons convoy headed to Hizbullah fighters near the Syria-Lebanon border. The Israeli jets struck a convoy near a Syrian “rebel safe-haven” where Hizbullah fighters were said to be stationed, Israel’s Channel […]

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