Unreported: Putin’s six million guaranteed votes

Unreported: Putin’s six million guaranteed votes

Lev Navrozov By the autumn of 1917, Russia had become, culturally, a free society. The Russian 19th-century prose was intensely read in all culturally advanced countries, Chekhov’s plays were staged, several composers were considered classical, Chaliapin’s voice was admired… Now, since the autumn of 1917, Lenin, who was only for a short time in power, […]

Financing foreign development or dependency?

Financing foreign development or dependency?

John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — Recently UN member states turned their attention to the need for Financing for Development, or put more plainly, stressing the still pressing need for development assistance to assist the plethora of poor nations. Fortunately foreign assistance donor states have not significantly cut their budgets, but rather sharpened their focus […]

The not-so-great debates reveal mainly what the spin class is thinking

The not-so-great debates reveal mainly what the spin class is thinking

By Wesley Pruden If we can get through the last of the Pundit Primaries, the actual Republican voters can get on with the business of choosing the man to liberate America from Barack Obama. But the path to presidential power is strewn with little rocks who imagine they’re mighty boulders. The “debates”—it’s an insult to […]

Drastic fixes for critical crises or dodgy compromises for bumps in the road?

Drastic fixes for critical crises or dodgy compromises for bumps in the road?

Sol W. Sanders “Moderation in all things”, said a pre-Christian North African Roman dramatist, Terence [Publius Terentius Afer]. But like so many artists, he latched on to a beautiful artifact but got the logic wrong. He’s echoed these days in the oft repeated mantra from talking heads calling for compromise. It usually follows a description […]

Neither Barack nor Teddy, but more like Vladimir

Neither Barack nor Teddy, but more like Vladimir

Jeffrey T. Kuhner President Obama has been reborn as a populist. At a major speech this week in Kansas, Mr. Obama outlined the themes of his 2012 re-election campaign. He is a champion of the middle class, which he claims is under siege. Their enemies are big business, corporations and the rich. He chose Osawatomie […]

New Burma Road: Watch for the geopolitical landmines

New Burma Road: Watch for the geopolitical landmines

John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — With the historic visit of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to Burma, the highest profile American diplomatic contact in fifty years, the United States has entered a high stakes geopolitical chess game in Southeast Asia. Burma, a political pariah state has long been courted by China, coveted by India, […]

And China was going to save the global economy? Guess again

And China was going to save the global economy? Guess again

Sol W. Sanders Creeping up on the outer edges of Wall Street soothsayers’ economic crystal ball, until now dominated by American and Euro crises, is growing concern about China. The inane idea China [and India, which is also in trouble] would somehow rescue the world economy is now, finally, dismissed by the pundits — without […]

The GOP’s Bill Clinton: Wrong for conservatives, wrong for America

The GOP’s Bill Clinton: Wrong for conservatives, wrong for America

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Republicans have been casting about for a viable alternative to Mitt Romney. Many now believe Mr. Gingrich should be the GOP’s 2012 presidential nominee. They are wrong. Mr. Gingrich has excellent qualities. He is a formidable debater, articulate and possesses a strong grasp of policy. In fact, the Georgia Republican has won […]

GOP presidential foreign policy debate ducked the questions that mattered most

GOP presidential foreign policy debate ducked the questions that mattered most

Lev Navrozov On Nov. 22, I watched a televised Republican presidential primary debate on U.S. national security and foreign policy. Symbolically, it took place at the historic Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C., and was hosted by CNN, in partnership with The Heritage Foundation and American Enterprise Institute, and moderated by Wolf Blitzer. It has been […]

Arab Spring plus U.S. policy equals Arab Winter

Arab Spring plus U.S. policy equals Arab Winter

John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — After the heady and often dizzying political changes optimistically described as the Arab Spring, many of these same Middle Eastern states may be heading for what sadly looks like an Arab Winter. The seasonal political shift was predictable, but the end results remain in flux. The three great Middle […]

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