Addition of Japan, Egypt, Ukraine to UN Security Council is boost for U.S.

Special to By John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — In its annual selection process, the full General Assembly has picked five countries to serve as non-permanent members on the UN Security Council. Importantly, Egypt, Japan and Ukraine as well as Senegal and Uruguay were chosen as the new members who will serve two year […]

Severely damaged U.S.-Israel alliance awaits a growing Mideast crisis

Severely damaged U.S.-Israel alliance awaits a growing Mideast crisis

Special to By Sol W. Sanders Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is under siege on several fronts. At this critical moment, the traditional close collaboration of the U.S.-Israeli alliance is troubled, not least by Obama Administration’s pettiness. That’s been characterized by vulgar leaks from the White House and the recent staged absence of senior […]

Obama, man of peace and not of war, has yet to back up his words with action

Obama, man of peace and not of war, has yet to back up his words with action

Special to By Donald Kirk, President Obama might be considering the motto on which Woodrow Wilson ran for president in 1916 as his enduring legacy: “He kept us out of war.” That is, if he can forget that Wilson, after election to his second term, reversed course and sent American soldiers to Europe, […]

Flood of undocumented migrants ‘a test of historic proportions’ for Europe

Flood of undocumented migrants ‘a test of historic proportions’ for Europe

Special to By John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — The almost Biblical scenes of mass humanity surging through Europe from the Balkans to the Baltic have created jarring images as we see a mass movement of displaced Syrians and Iraqis flooding into what they see as a Promised Land, the European Union. Thus as […]

Civilization vs China and Russia: TPP is more than just a trade deal

Civilization vs China and Russia: TPP is more than just a trade deal

Special to By Donald Kirk, SEOUL — The Trans-Pacific Partnership carries implications far beyond the commercial benefits that President Obama and others claim would result from it. Arguments pro and con in terms of the advantages and disadvantages for each of the 12 countries that have signed on to TPP are sure to […]

‘Third World War’: Jordan’s king warns radical Islam thrives on ‘apathy of moderates’

‘Third World War’: Jordan’s king warns radical Islam thrives on ‘apathy of moderates’

Special to By John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — Among the 193 Presidential and Ministerial speeches being made during the UN General Assembly debate, most will present politically pedantic and often droning restatements of the obvious; that war, terrorism, poverty and the refugees crisis lapping at Europe’s shores and hinterland are among the absolute […]

Still forgetting the ‘Forgotten War’ after all these years

Still forgetting the ‘Forgotten War’ after all these years

Special to By Donald Kirk, WASHINGTON ― You know how forgotten is the Korean War when you see a documentary about the young correspondents who battled U.S. officialdom in the early years of the Vietnam War and hear comparisons between Vietnam and World War II, Vietnam and Iraq ― and not one word […]

Two shepherds with flocks of 1.2 billion each pay first visits to U.S., UN

Special to By John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — Both Pope Francis and China’s President are visiting the United States at the same time. Two men whose paths will nearly intersect, but not touch, in New York at the United Nations are each leaders of 1.2 billion people; the Pope of the Roman Catholic […]

Obama welcomes Xi: A matter of ‘optics’ and not much else

Obama welcomes Xi: A matter of ‘optics’ and not much else

Special to By Donald Kirk, WASHINGTON ― China President Xi Jinping’s meeting with President Obama Friday is sure to be an exercise in double-and-triple talk that will sorely test the skills of both of them in papering over, covering up and otherwise evading issues that neither of them is going to be able […]

UN session begins under clouds of war and crisis

UN session begins under clouds of war and crisis

Special to By John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — Dark war clouds swirl from the Middle East, humanitarian crises worsen in Sub-Saharan Africa, and as refugees pour fourth into the developed world, the UN General Assembly is set to open in New York. The 70th General Assembly will see an unprecedented gathering of Presidents, […]

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