Analysis: Rigging of voters’ minds on 2024 election has already begun

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, July 30, 2024 Contract With Our Readers

Over the past four years, Kamala Harris has consistently polled as one of the least popular politicians in America.

The universally unpopular Kamala Harris is now tied with Donald Trump in the polls?

Did helping engineer a coup to remove 81-year-old Joe Biden and take his place on the ballot change that?

Before they rig an election, Democrats must first rig the voters’ minds, independent journalist Emerald Robinson wrote in her July 29 “The Right Way” Substack blog.

“Rigging an election is easy — the tough part is getting people to believe the results,” Robinson wrote. “If you understand that concept, then you understand: the Biden regime doesn’t have an ‘election’ problem. After all, the 2020 election was rigged and that system remains in place.”

The Democrat regime, Robinson continued, “has an ‘optics’ problem: nobody really believes that Harris can beat Trump.”

The regime, with a major assist from its legacy media allies, “must sell some lies before they rig the election.”

Lie #1: “It’s going to take days, and possibly even weeks, to count the 2024 election results,” Robinson noted, citing The Washington Post’s convenient July 27 report on how key swing state Pennsylvania may take days to count its votes in November.

Lie #2: “J.D. Vance told a ‘cat lady’ joke and so the American people switched from Trump to Kamala Harris,” Robinson wrote. “The obvious Democrat message is to call J.D. Vance a ‘disappointment’ because he mocked ‘childless cat ladies.’ The cat ladies at Salon say: he’s a disaster! That guy even disagreed with childless Hollywood actresses. The problem with this absurd fantasy is that Republicans don’t rely on unmarried and bitter liberal women to vote them into power. Why? Because unattractive and childless women vote Democrats into power every year.”

Lie #3: “Kamala Harris is in a dead heat with Donald Trump right now,” Robinson wrote. “You must recall that Trump led Harris in all of the key battleground states in mid-May. Those numbers were described by one CNN analyst as an ‘absolute disaster.’ Trump was up by six points in Arizona — by 9 points in Georgia —by 13 points in Nevada just a few weeks ago. Democrats needed all of those numbers to disappear — and they did.”

Robinson concluded:

The polls are manipulated to make Harris appear to be neck-and-neck with Trump so that, when they rig the election, you don’t take to the streets.

It’s harder to rig an election when the polls show Trump ahead with a 25 point lead, isn’t it? The rigged polling is, in fact, the necessary condition for the rigged voting machines — the two go hand in hand.

What’s the truth? Well, Kamala Harris is so popular that 68 people showed up to her rally this week in Philadelphia.

Democrats must rig the public’s perception of the election first, before they steal it — and they’re doing that right now.

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