The “terrorist attack” in London on July 21, as a result of which one Londoner “was hurt,” held the attention of the mainstream media of all Western countries throughout that day, while on the next day the London police shot dead in their zeal a Londoner (from 3 to 5 bullets in the head when he had fallen and was down) because he had been running and hence was no doubt a “terrorist,” for why else would he be
In a Russian satirical piece of the nineteenth century, the police chief said that his subordinates should pay special attention to “terrorists,” in contrast to hate murderers in general. “But how would we know who is who?” his subordinates asked. “Easy!” explained the chief. “The terrorists wear Greek hats.”
The London police have surpassed the satirized Russian police chief of the nineteenth century. The London police know who is who without any Greek hats, but just by the fact that one was running and would not stop when hailed by the police.
On July 20, I received the following e-mail:
Mr. Navrozov, I recently discovered
your articles… You seem to be against
the “War on Terrorisn” mainly for taking
our “eyes” off the real threat of China.
My question is two-fold: Is Islamic terrorism
a problem? If it is, how, in your opinion, should
it have been dealt with post 9-11? I would be
greatly interested in your response. I understand
that you are probably too busy to answer me.
So I just want to say that I enjoy reading your
articles, for they are very thought-provoking,
and at least I am not now the only person that
sees China for what it is and the danger it poses
to the West as we feed the dragon. Thanks, and
I would greatly appreciate your response to the
above question.
Mike Faber
In 2001, when 2,973 persons were murdered on Sept. 11,
14,061 Americans were murdered, according to official crime statistics.The crime of Sept. 11 was a hate crime, but it is not registered in U.S. statistics as such. The number of victims of statistically registered hate crimes in 2002 was 9,222, that is, more than three times
as many victims as the victims of the hate crime of Sept. 11, 2001.
The hate criminals of Sept. 11, 2001, did not kill any children individually. Now, the victims of murders statistically registered in the United States for 2002 include 185 children under 1year old, 338 children of 1year to 4 years old, etc.
It is often described by “experts on terrorism” that “Islamic terrorists”—no, not the born and bred American criminals--will use, “weapons of mass destruction.” The “experts” forget that a born and bred American criminal named Al Capone ruled Chicago, while another born and bred American criminal named Pendergast helped Truman into the White House, which Truman never concealed and even attended in 1945 Pendergast's funeral. Born and bred American criminals can procure all weapons a “foreign Moslem” can. Besides, the weapons of 19 Moslems of Sept. 11 were American (and not Iraqi or Saudi-Arabian) airliners as well as American cardboard cutters on sale at office supplies stores.
A majority of any country consist of those who cannot understand anything beyond what they deal with in their households or in their jobs that may be devoid of any mental activity. The television for them is like picture books for children—sheer entertainment. If a hate murderer has allegedly come from the Islamic world or at least is a local Moslem, they call his murder a “terrorist attack” and find it worth watching on television even if the victim is just one person who “was hurt.” On the other hand, if born and bred American criminals murdered 140,000 persons in the United States in 10 years, including 13,000 children, “the average television viewer” will not find a television program worth watching.
There is no “war on crime,” for such a “war” has been waged for centuries, and the United States still ranks high on the list of international crime rates. Similarly, the only possible “war on terrorism” is the highest possible quality of crime investigation, which applies to all crimes whether or not called “terrorist acts.” The United States failed to detect the 19 criminals of Sept. 1, for the criminals prove to be smarter than the crime investigators, and this competition between criminals and investigators has been on and will be on, no matter what declarations are made and what bureaucracies are created.
As for the annihilation of the United States, or the West in general, by Chinese post-nuclear superweapons, such as molecular nano weapons, the Western mainstream television has been aloof from the subject because it has been a taboo for the Western political establishment. Too many Iraqi-oil-shareholders in the U.S. political establishment have been too much personally preoccupied with the Iraqi oil to pay attention to dry abstractions like the development of post-nuclear superweapons in China since 1986 in seven fields.
The “war on terrorism”? Not crime such as murder (or rape), but “terrorism”! But how do the 19 criminals of Sept.11 differ from born and bred American criminals? Surely some WASPs hate the United States as much as do “foreign Moslems.” I have met such WASPs. In the early 1970s, they were the rule among intellectuals rather than exception.
Those members of the U.S. political establishment who use the
phrase “war on terrorism” merely show thereby that they do not know
the ABC of the Islamic suicidal hate crimes against the United States or the West in general.
The word “suicidal” needs an explanation first and foremost. Not
so long ago, suicide was regarded in the West as an escape for a psychiatrically normal person from an unbearable and otherwise inescapable misery. Today it has been proved that suicide is genetic.
Between 1960 and 2002, 12 suicides a year occurred in the United States
for each 100,000 persons. Among white males, the rate went from 22.3 in 1950 to 19.1 in 2000 (per 100,000 persons); among black males, from 7.5 to 10.0; among white females, from 6.0 to 4.3; and among black females, it was 1.8 in 1950 and in 2000. It is impossible to suppose, for example, that black females lived in 1950 and 2000 equally well and far better than did black males, white females, and white males! Obviously, suicide is genetic, not environmental.
Similarly, a certain number of suicides have occurred and will occur per 100,000 inhabitants of the Islamic countries, even if the relevant statistics do not exist or are not reliable.
What happens to someone genetically inclined to suicide? The sublimation of the suicide. In the West of the past two centuries, it has been assumed that the beautiful cause of a suicide is unreqited love (see
Goethe's “Verter” and listen to the opera of the same name). In the Islamic world, where a man can have up to four wives if he has the money to keep them, this kind of lyrical sentimentality is absurd. The beautiful cause of the suicide is the heroic death when murdering infidels.
Since a genetically suicidal person seeks death anyway, he prefers to die beautifully. Those 19 suicidal Moslems died beautifully (as many Moslems saw it) on Sept. 11, 2001. When will new Moslems genetically inclined to suicide smash the White House to smithereens, as the 19 Moslems of Sept. 11 intended to? This is a matter of suicide statistics and of the sublimation of suicidal death-wishes unless the suicidal murderers are detected by investigators before their crime, not after.
Chatterboxes of the Western political establishment chatter about governments behind Islamic suicidal hate murderers, their training, their financing, their “links,” and what not. Suicidal hate murders raged in Russia, and Dostoyevsky said that a suicidally inclined person is the freest individual on earth. He craves no wealth and fears no legal retribution, for he has sentenced himself to death.
It is assumed by chatterboxes chattering about the “war on terrorism” that it is easier to apprehend the suicidal hate criminals than the other murderers. Also nonsense! Before their crimes, suicidal hate criminals can hide as skillfully as any other criminals. After their crimes, ordinary murderers live on and can be apprehended. On the other hand, the 19 suicidal hate murderers of Sept. 11 killed and burned themselves.
The occurrence of Islamic suicidal hate murders is erratic. The next set of murders comparable in scale to Sept. 11 or surpassing it may occur in the United States tomorrow or in five years or never, depending on the suicidal curve and the sublimation of suicides into the hatred of the United States. This sublimation has grown enormously due to the U.S.-led Iraqi war for oil, and hence a grimmer version of Sept. 11 murders is more probable than it would have been without that war for oil.
On the other hand, the development of post-nuclear superweapons in China, such as molecular superweapons, is steady, relentless, and growing in scale in accordance with the dictators' will and money. It is
anything but suicidal. On the contrary, it is to safeguard, via world domination, the dictators' absolute power, along with their wealth and longevity.
Rather it is the behavior of the Western political establishment, which is functionally suicidal for the West. But this will be a quiet harmless suicide. As the Chinese military authors of
“Unrestricted Warfare” (Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui) conjectured, the United States will perish “not with a rumble, but a snicker.”
This is not featured by the mainstream media. There is nothing photogenic for television in the annihilation of the West. First, the TV screen is to show the West and then the lights are to go out. What is it? Nothing. Annihilation. Who is going to watch it? What for? To ruin the mood for the rest of the day or the night?
How far more interesting it is to watch a “terrorist attack”! It is almost a thriller, with the Western police so supervigilant and superskillful that the hate murderers in London managed on July 21 to hurt only one person! Next time the “terrorists” will manage just to break several glasses. The “war on terrorism” is being won gloriously!
As for the statistics of hate murders, forget it! These are NOT “terrorists,” but hate murderers!
All that the “war on terrorism” demonstrates is that the mental level of the Western political establishment, including the mainstream media, is so low that the West as it is today is not fit to survive the annihilation by post-nuclear superweapons being developed in China since 1986 in seven fields.
Lev Navrozov's (] new book is available on-line at To request an outline of the book, send an e-mail to