Dear member of U.S. Congress:
The manager of our not-for-profit Center for the Survival of Western Democracies, Inc., arranged for my meeting in our neighborhood with Wei Jingsheng, Chairman of the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition, and his two associates, one of whom is a Tiananmen Square massacre survivor.
It might seem that Wei, the best known Chinese human rights and democracy fighter, thinker, and author, needs no introduction. Alas! While the Russian dissident Solzhenitsyn was met on his arrival to the United States in 1976 by 1500 correspondents, only a small percentage of Americans have heard of Wei, since the Western silence re China has been deep and universal as compared with the Western attitude toward Soviet Russia even after the Cold War was over.
Let me introduce Wei in just two sentences. Like Solzhenitsyn in 1974, he was deported from China in 1997 (as a bargain between President Clinton and “the supreme leader” Jiang). But unlike Solzhenitsyn, he was taken for his deportation from his prison cell, after he had spent a total of 18 years in prison. The list of his human rights awards is too long to recite in a column, and since 1993 he has been nominated 7 times for Nobel Peace Prize.
The goal of our meeting is obvious. How to overcome the silence of the Western mainstream media re the mortal danger of the dictatorship of China? Some members of the U.S. Congress speak of this danger as resolutely as Wei does or I do — in my weekly column in (2.3 million “unique visitors” a month) and (1.9 million “unique visitors” a month). But these members of the U.S. Congress are as nationally inaudible as Wei or myself.
To demonstrate the difficulty of attracting national attention to the “China threat,” let me recall the attempt to make the Soviet development of post-nuclear superweapons known in the West, with an adequate geostrategic response. I lectured and spoke on the subject on television all over the West. Ronald Reagan had read my article in Commentary magazine (September 1978), we met at his request, and he made as U.S. President a statement on the basis of my “input” to the effect that the “evil empire” was developing bioweapons.
Any geostrategic result? Nil. The CIA declared that President Reagan's statement was groundless “evil-empirism.” It was only owing to the fact that the Soviet dictatorship collapsed in 1991 that the newly elected President Yeltsin of Russia opened to international inspection the bioweapons section of the Soviet nationwide development of post-nuclear superweapons, intended to destroy or neutralize the Western means of nuclear retaliation, that is, to circumvent Mutual Assured Destruction and have the West at Soviet mercy.
In 1986 the dictators of China founded Project 863, developing post-nuclear superweapons in seven fields — for a similar geostrategy. It is obvious to the dictators of China that unless they annihilate the West (or make it surrender unconditionally) they will have a new Tiananmen Square movement and will share the destiny of the Soviet dictatorship in 1991.
If national attention in the United States could not be drawn to the Soviet development of post-nuclear superweapons (and only the collapse of the Soviet dictatorship in 1991 saved the West), how can national attention be drawn in the United States to the development by the dictators of China of post-nuclear superweapons if the U.S. (and Western) reluctance to face the “China threat” is much stronger than it was to face the “Soviet threat”?
Ironically, since last December, China and Putin's Russia have been not just strategic partners, but allies, and hence we have the “China–Russia threat.”
What is the solution — or salvation?
True, the ST Literary Agency is selling my 219,000-word book on the subject to a major publisher (for the Agency's Online Pitch Page see But no one can be sure that, given the Western indifference to the “China–Russia threat,” the book will attract national attention, and that the movie adapted from it will be a national success.
The only reliable solution or salvation is a highly professional powerful national publicity campaign, organized by the best publicists under elaborate contracts at the highest professional level and involving the best human resources — members of the U.S. Congress, Chinese freedom fighters, and perspicacious China watchers.
Needless to say a flow of interesting and persuasive information from China is indispensable. The irony is that much of this information is available in the Chinese media, controlled as they are, and in the Chinese Internet.
The role of publicists cannot be overemphasized. It is desirable to have one publicist-in-chief and several assistants. The team will create a system in a national publicity campaign to ensure its growth, crescendo, “avalanche-effect.” Last year I spoke four times on a radio program catering to 80 million Americans. No national result. With the best publicist or publicist team, every publicity event in the media will be a systemic element in a growing national publicity campaign until it becomes spontaneous and the U.S. government and Congress (as well as NATO) take adequate measures to defend the democratic West as President Roosevelt defended it by launching the Manhattan Project to prevent Nazi Germany from developing “the atom bomb” ahead of the United States and its
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For more information about Drexler's Foresight Institute and its lobbying in Congress, see
To learn more about the Chris Phoenix report, suggesting a “nano Manhattan Project,” go to
For information about the Center for the Survival of Western Democracies, Inc., including how you can help, please e-mail me at
It is my pleasant duty to express gratitude to the Rev. Alan Freed, a Lutheran pastor by occupation before his retirement and a thinker by vocation, for his help in the writing of this column.
Lev Navrozov's (] new book is available on-line at To request an outline of the book, send an e-mail to