In 1992, Bo Rybeck, director of the Swedish National Defense Research Institute, pointed out that as scientists become able to identify the DNA variations of different racial and ethnic groups, they become able to determine the differences in them between blacks and whites and even between Swedes and Finns, and develop an agent that will kill only a particular group. Such “agents” came to be called “ethnically targeted weapons.” As of March 6, 2005, Yahoo! yielded “about 43,300 search results for ethnically targeted weapons.” One randomly sampled search result is an article posted in English by a German organization (“Archiv”) on Feb. 19, 2002, and entitled “Pentagon Tests Ethnically Targeted Crowd Control Weapons.” The article begins:
U.S. Army documents released under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) reveal disturbing efforts to design crowd control weapons that target people on an ethnic basis.
According to 43,300 “search results,” ethnically targeted weapons are developed by, for example, Israel, while China is not mentioned.
For the U.S. political establishment, to suspect China of knowing what is known in the West in the Internet and of doing what the Pentagon does would be a monstrous sacrilege. But what about the Internet postings? Why don't THEY speak of the development of ethnically targeted weapons by the dictators of China, who surely know what the Western Internet postings say about the Pentagon's development of these weapons? Let us take a couple more digs into Yahoo!:
The Institute for Historical Review has posted in its online Journal an article entitled “Israel Is Developing 'Ethnic Bomb' for Growing Biological Weapons Arsenal.” Israel, not China, is endangering the world with ethnically targeted weapons! has posted an article, entitled “Genetic Bullets—Ethnically Specific Weapons.” Again Israel. The “former Soviet Union.” South Africa. The United States, about which we read:
Michael Risconscuito, the principal informant for investigative reporter Danny Casalaro (Casalaro died mysteriously a decade ago while researching the Justice Department's purported theft of an intelligence software called PROMIS), alleged to Pacifica Radio that he had also been part of a secret intelligence effort to develop genetically specific bioweapons that could potentially reduce the earth's population by a full two-thirds. After Casalaro's death, Risconscuito went public and was almost immediately arrested on drug charges. He remains in prison.
The bulk of the Internet postings comes in the United States from those who consider the U.S. political establishment hopelessly evil. Their Internet postings argue that the cause of the preemptive invasion of Iraq was its oil for more than 40 “oil-connected” members of the Administration. In this way their Internet postings do expose, in contrast to the mainstream media, the U.S. political establishment. The opponents of the U.S. political estabiishment believe that they also expose it when they describe, on the basis of Freedom of Information Act, the Pentagon's tests of ethnically targeted weapons. But what about China? What if its dictators have been developing such weapons since 1986?
The human mind is inclined to think in terms of bipolar opposites like darkness versus light. To these opponents of the U.S. establishment, the latter is darkness, bent on dictatorship. Is the dictatorship of China also darkness? But how can there be two darknesses?
Historically, opponents of their government resented the opinion that a foreign government is no less evil or at least for the time being even more evil, than their government—they resented it as a diversion from their struggle against their government.
Thus Lenin and Leninists in Russia resented the opinion that the government of Germany was going to attack and did attack Russia in 1914, never left the occupied territory of Russia until its own overall defeat in 1918, and in this sense was worse than Russia's semi-constitutional government and Provisional (democratic) Government of 1917, which Lenin overthrew.
In the United States today we have a double conformity with respect to China: The U.S. political establishment is willfully blind to the mortal danger of China for reasons of its own, and opponents of the U.S. political establishment are also willfully blind to the mortal danger of China, since it diverts them from their struggle against the U.S. political establishment.
I have looked up Yahoo! for “ethnically targeted weapons in China.” Posted by “Signs of the Times” is a 49-page article that begins by proclaiming that Western globalist powers are setting us up for World War III by aiding secretly in Russian and Chinese arms buildups.
You see? If there are ethnically targeted weapons in China, the “Western globalist powers” have been aiding secretly to build them in China and in Russia in order to set us up for World War III. Poor China and Russia are just Western pawns in the Western preparations for World War III.
Actually, while the United States discontinued the development of unconventional post-nuclear weapons in 1969, China launched the development of them in 1986 in seven fields, including ethnic targeting, for ethnically targeted weapons may also become geostrategically important for China.
To begin with, the “supreme leaders” of China may be able to present an ultimatum to the entire world outside China: except for the Chinese, mankind will be annihilated unless it surrenders unconditionally.
Besides, ethnically targeted weapons may also be useful in the destruction or neutralization of Western means of (nuclear) retaliation for the circumvention of Mutual Assured Destruction. Or take the most general case. A certain zone in the atmosphere, in space or underwater may contain both Chinese and Western. Weapons. Chinese ethnic targeting may target the crews of the Western weapons, in contrast to the Chinese weapons manned by ethnic Chinese.
Since 1986, the Chinese geostrategy has been advancing in all geostrategic directions, for the “supreme leaders” of China are not accountable to any legislature or to the public and can pour secretly any resources on any weapons development that seems promising to them, and to attract the best Western scientists and technologists in the field by paying them higher salaries than they would get anywhere else. On the other hand, the U.S. geostrategy (if such exists) operates in separate accidental tracks. Take for example Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative, SDI, which was being developed for almost twenty years, and finally—congratulations!—the United States has the SDI, and on March 8, 2005, I received from my reader an e-mail, containing one sentence: “Would the SDI shield deflect Chinese Nukes if they launched them after destroying our nukes?”
In 1985 Gorbachev became the dictator of Russia, today an ally of China. He increased the annual output of submarine-launched cruise missiles with nuclear warheads from 35 to 200. The Soviet submarines, carrying them, were deep under water off both Pacific and Atlantic coasts of the United States, to surface and launch cruise missiles with nuclear warheads whenever ordered. The key word here is “cruise.” Reagan's SDI was intended to knock out Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs), but were useless against cruise missiles—even if the SDI had been ready not today, but in 1985! Now, in 2005, an American asks me whether the SDI shield would deflect missiles with nuclear warheads. Yes, if they are not cruise missiles, but are ballistic missiles.
Those Americans who consider the United States the most evil society on earth will assure you that the United States, not China, is building the world's most geostrategically powerful arsenal because this is evil, and the United States is more evil than China.
On the other hand, those who consider the United States the best society on earth will assure you that the United States, not China, is building the world's most geostrategically powerful arsenal, because this is the world's geostrategically best arsenal, befitting the best society on earth.
It is in the United States (and Israel), and not in China, that ethnically targeted weapons are developed, for the United States is both the most evil and the best society on earth.
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It is my pleasant duty to express gratitude to the Rev. Alan Freed, a Lutheran pastor by occupation before his retirement and a thinker by vocation, for his help in the writing of this column.
Lev Navrozov's (] new book is available on-line at To request an outline of the book, send an e-mail to