I have received a 12-page publication, "Falun Gong Today." At the top of p. 1 there is a photograph of two women, practicing what would be called in the West "gymnastics," a 17th-century word, derived from the Greek word "gymnos," "naked," since the ancient Greeks exercised naked. The two women on the photograph are not naked, but conventionally dressed as for Western gymnastic exercises today. They are engaged in Falun Dafa, ascending to the ancient Chinese exercise Qi Gong. Closely related to Qi Gong is Tai Chi, a set of ballet-like movements to hone balance and grace.
It is estimated that there are now 75 million practitioners of Falun Dafa in China and 25 million elsewhere in the world, including the United States.
So far this is no more surprising than the Western "morning exercises" or the Hindu "yoga," which was fashionable in the West not so long ago. But next to the two ladies engaged in Falun Dafa (rather than Western morning exercises or Hindu yoga) runs an incredible headline: "Tortured to Death for Doing This. . . ."
The West and Russia are familiar with the persecution in Stalin's Russia and Hitler's Germany.
To begin with, there the persecution, to say nothing of torture, was concealed. In Stalin's Russia there were general elections with universal suffrage and secret ballot. Of course, over 99% voted enthusiastically for Stalin and his subordinates. Why, even Walter Duranty, the Moscow correspondent of the New York Times, wrote that Stalin was "the world's greatest political leader living." The fact that the Nazis exterminated about 12 million civilians became known to the public in the democratic West only when the Allied troops had entered the Nazi death camps. Before, this fact had been known only to those involved in the Allied reconnaissance aviation, photographing these camps.
To torture to death for exercises aimed at the practitioner's well-being: Stalin or Hitler would have taken it for a bad joke.
Well, on June 4, 1989, those gathering in Tiananmen Square were crushed by mechanized armor. That was understandable. The victims were for a peaceful restriction of absolutism, a crime in Stalin's Russia and Hitler's Germany, though making a public show of the massacre as a lesson to all was specific of Chinese absolutism.
The dictator Jiang Zemin was afraid not only of the Tiananmen Square students as endangering his power, for any attempt to constitutionalize it may end in his fall, similar to the fall of Gorbachev in Russia two years later, but with far graver consequences for him. Jiang Zemin is afraid even of Falun Dafa practitioners to such an extent that they are tortured to death, according to Amnesty International, the UN Committee against Torture, the U.S. State Department, the Boston Globe, the Wall Street Journal, and other such Western public sources.
"Tortured to death" for exercises aimed at the practitioner's well-being is injurious to the international prestige of Jiang Zemin despite the Western "friendship" with the dictatorship of China. Yet he defies his international prestige for the sake of his safety.
The defiance of Western public opinion is strikingly clear from the treatment by the Beijing police of Rupert Wingfield Hayes, BBC Beijing correspondent, according to his own report. There was a protest meeting (in that same Tiananmen Square!) against the arrest of 14 foreign (!) members of Falun Gong. He went to cover the event and as he was walking back to the BBC car to file his report, a police car squealed to a halt beside him and he was taken to a nearby police station. Several other foreign journalists were already there, and he started talking to one of them.
"Stop talking!" one of the policemen shouted, and after the BBC correspondent protested, grabbed him by the throat and shoved him against the wall. He was questioned for two hours.
The police could not help knowing that the story would appear in the BBC News, and thus would become known to their superiors, perhaps up to Jiang Zemin himself.
These were not Chinese, doomed to public silence, but Westerners reporting the news for the world at large.
Now, if the fear of destruction of the power (and perhaps their own selves) "from within" makes the dictator defy, challenge, antagonize the democratic West in such a way even today, how will that fear instigate him when he has post-nuclear superweapons, able to annihilate the West and thus to enforce its unconditional surrender?
The dictator's fear is understandable. Not all Chinese react to the dictator's ruthlessness with fear, submission, or "patriotic" delight. I received on Oct. 7 an e-mail from Pao-pao Hsing:
Interesting to know that Chinese People still exist. On 10/01/05, a good number of protesters came out to march through Chinatown San Francisco calling for an end to the demonic regime of communism which established and maintained their power by mass murdering 100,000,000 over the last 50+ (try 80 since CCP came into existence in 1921).
I personally think that not only should those in power cease to exist. Those in power as well as those under order (wiling) to kill should be put to death. Only those who have enough sense to resign the PRC may be spared (if they have participated in killings before resigning). LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE should be fitting for them. At least they don't have to die for surrendering first.
Sincerely, Pao-pao Hsiung KMT-ID 03-0009685
P.S. Long live the Republic of China (Mainland+Taiwan), Damn the People's Republic of China (which is HELL).
But what would Pao-pao Hsiung, the Tiananmen Square students of 1989 or Falun Gong of today mean without the democratic West and its sympathy, however weak compared with what it should or might be? Nothing! All of the 75 million practitioners of Falun Dafa could then be annihilated-just for the heck of it. Recall the times of Mao!
According to that BBC Beijing correspondent I have quoted above:
The Chinese state holds a personal dossier on every single on of its citizens-it's called a Dang An. You can never see it-you don't know what it contains-but it can control your destiny. A black mark against you-a bad school report, a disagreement with your boss, a visit to a psychiatrist-all can travel with you for the rest of your life.
At one point of its history, the Chinese dynastic absolutism destroyed 1/8 of its population, and Mao was not far behind. But Mao needed soldiers and workers to produce weapons. On the other hand, having reached world domination via post-nuclear superweapons, the owners of China will need 1/10 of its present population to maintain their global power. The police can look through Dang An and mark 9/10 of its entries as candidates for annihilation.
When George Orwell published, in 1949, his "1984" he drew his horror from his knowledge of Stalin's Russia and Hitler's Germany, while the scene of his book was laid in England in 1985. He knew nothing about China, but if he had known enough, he would have concluded that Stalin's Russia and Hitler's Germany were possibly only pathetic precursors of post-1949 China, and hence "1984" had to be rewritten. As "2008"?
Lev Navrozov's (navlev@cloud9.net] new book is available on-line at www.levnavrozov.com. To request an outline of the book, send an e-mail to webmaster@levnavrozov.com.