I hope you will agree that a smart way to wish a happy New Year would be to recall the 9/11 Commission's 567-page Report, after which we are expected to live in tranquility in 2005 and thereafter as far as Islamic suicidal terrorism is concerned.
As for the Chinese post-nuclear superweapons, the best way for achieving tranquility in 2005 is not to notice their development in China, just as Islamic suicidal terrorism had not been noticed before Sept. 11, 2001.
The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (also known as the 9/11 Commission) was an independent, bipartisan commission, created by congressional legislation (at the initiative of the families of the 9/11 victims and with the President's signature) in late 2002. It was to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, including preparedness for and the immediate response to the attacks. The Commission was also mandated to provide recommendations designed to guard against future attacks.
On July 22, 2004, the Commission released its public report. It closed on August 21, 2004. But its ten members had announced the creation of the 9/11 Public Discussion Project.
Very well, let us discuss its Report.
A suicidal terrorist differs from a common criminal only by the cause and purpose of his or her crime, but is more difficult to apprehend before it, and impossible to apprehend after it, for he or she is dead. The Òwar on terrorÓ has been declared, and when it is Òwon,Ó the Islamic suicidal terrorists will be dead or behind bars or appeased by the emergence of the Palestinian state.
But what about common criminals? As of 1998 (a random year) in the United States over 12 MILLION crimes were committed, including 17,000 murders, 93,000 rapes, and 974,000 aggravated assaults. Why has it been impossible to declare the war on common crime and defeat the common criminals, but the (suicidal) terrorists are expected to be defeated ere long in the Òwar on terrorÓ?
The 567-page Report demonstrates what has been wrong with the CIA or the State Department or the Pentagon: they are bureaucracies just as the 9/11 Commission was. In a bureaucracy it is not asked whether its member is a genius or, functionally, a clinical idiot. What is required is his or her Òacademic degreesÓ and (former) posts and titles.
Thus, as I was writing this column, five Òtop authoritiesÓ appeared on ÒLarry King LiveÓ CNN program (Dec. 24, between 9 and 10 p.m.) and were asked by Larry King: ÒWho killed Jesus?Ó If any one of the five top authorities had read the relevant Roman documents, he would have known that Pontius Pilate had been recalled to Rome for excessive cruelty. It would have been incomprehensible if he had NOT crucified Christ, who was a Òproselytizing hereticÓ and had to be crucified by Roman law even without any excessive cruelty.
But the five Òtop authoritiesÓ on the subject seemed to have read not a word of the relevant Roman records. They were illiterates on the subject, but were invited owing to their degrees, posts, and titles. So they parroted the almost-2,000-year-old canard that the Christ-hating Jews induced Pilate or conspired with him to crucify Christ (as though the Christ-hating Jews did not want to behead Christ on their own, as the Hebrew custom was, but wanted him to be crucified Ñ the Roman way).
Similarly, the 9/11 Commission consisted of 10 bureaucrats, illiterate on the subject of suicidal terrorism, but having degrees, posts, and titles. Anyone speaking or writing on suicidal terrorism must first read about what it is psychiatrically. Psychiatry tells us that suicide is genetic (about 1 million people commit suicide every year) and genetically suicidal people invent a beautiful ÒcauseÓ of their suicide, such as unrequited love in the West, and martyrdom for Islam in the Islamic world.
The 9/11 Commission was innocent of psychiatry. Its members visualized Islamic suicidal terrorism as a function of a bureaucracy with Bin Laden at the head. They and those whom they knew personally had possibly never contemplated suicide. Their goals were the longest life possible, the best of health, and last but not least, an ever higher salary to ensure longevity, health, and a comfortable life. So they saw suicide as a lower-grade occupation in a bureaucracy. Some subordinates clean the premises or serve food, while others kill themselves on Bin Laden's orders.
Chapter 2 of the Report (p. 47) is entitled: ÒThe Foundation of the New Terrorism,Ó and Section 2.1 is subtitled ÒA Declaration of War.Ó You see, Bin Laden founded the new terrorism, and in 1998 declared war on the United States. On Sep. 11, 2001, his 19 alleged subordinates gave a battle in this war and killed 3,000 Americans and themselves as well. Of course! Bin Laden has spent the past 15 years threatening to kill Jews and Christians, bragging of someone else's suicidal terrorism, fleeing, and hiding. But for his 19 alleged subordinates to kill themselves was as natural as for him to threaten, brag, flee, and hide. His is to threaten to kill all Jews and Christians, and theirs to kill themselves for his glory.
History rather than the 567-page Report presents a different picture. Four Moslems in the Hamburg Institute of Technology, Germany, Òdiscovered each otherÓ: they were genetically inclined to suicide, and the most glorious ÒcauseÓ was martyrdom for Islam. They found 16 other Moslems, genetically inclined to suicide. They trained at U.S. flying schools, hijacked 4 airliners, and rammed 3 of them into 3 buildings in the United States, while the fourth airliner crashed.
What did it have to do with Bin Laden, threatening, bragging, fleeing, and hiding? Nothing.
But for a bureaucrat to imagine that suicidal terrorists may act on their own is like imagining the cleaners in his bureaucracy cleaning the premises just of their own will and for their own pleasure.
Atta, the leader of the 9/11 terrorists, came from a highly educated Egyptian family and had been living in Germany for years. To him, Bin Laden, who was neither a cleric nor a scholar, and had never been living outside the most backward Islamic countries, was a savage, coward, and braggart. Surely Atta never even mentioned Bin Laden in his papers, such as his Will.
So the 9/11 Commission invents in its Report an absurd fairy-tale.
On p. 160 we learn that Bin Laden had been planning the 9/11 terrorist attacks Ñ and here came from Hamburg to Afghanistan in late 1999 Atta and his three Hamburg fellows-in-suicide.
Why on earth? What for?
To Òtrain for the jihadÓ in Chechnya. But instead, Bin Laden, who had never invited Atta and his three fellows-in-suicide, kindly received him Òbetween two and five times,Ó explained to him the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 Ñ no, not in Chechnya, but in the United States Ñ and gave him Òa preliminary list of approved targets: the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the U.S. Capitol.Ó
You see? In his Afghan cave, Bin Laden, who had never been in the West, had already had an elaborate plan, which he imparted to his sudden new subordinate, happy to kill himself for Bin Laden's glory on Bin Laden's orders.
On the other hand, as of late 1999 Atta knew nothing about the terrorist attacks in the United States Ñ he had come to train in Afghanistan in order to fight in Chechnya.
But what if Atta (who came to Afghanistan as an uninvited visitor) was an agent of the German intelligence service? What if he came to Germany and told somebody about Bin Laden's plan, and that person retold it to somebody else, and so on? In both cases, the suicidal terrorists would have been arrested as they appeared in the United States and sentenced to death or to long imprisonment.
But in the Report, Bin Laden is as trustful as he is omniscient, omnipotent, and globally evil.
Needless to say, the 9/11 Commission's fairy-tale had nothing to do with Bin Laden's braggadocio in his video about how he allegedly Òplanned and carried outÓ the 9/11 attacks in New York and Washington, D.C., from his Afghan cave. Predictably, he did not know at the time of his video even what the (Arabic) television reported later.
The U.S. political establishment has created the mythical Bin Laden just as in the 1930s the American Stalinists created the mythical Trotsky in charge of global terror.
Curiously, the Report denies that Bin Laden financed the 9/11 terrorists. But if not Bin Laden's money, what else did the 9/11 terrorists could possibly want from him? His mythical genius! Like the mythical Trotsky, he is in charge of global terror, the chief of his bureaucracy, the Devil to whom Islamic terrorists give their lives! When and if all the participants of a suicidal terrorist attack are safely dead, he Òtakes the responsibilityÓ for it, that is, brags that he, and not the suicidal terrorists themselves, Òplanned and carried it out,Ó and thus enhances his Islamic world glory Ñ not without the help of the Western intelligence agencies, media, and ad hoc institutions like the 9/11 Commission. A coward, a liar, a charlatan, he builds his world fame on the corpses of those who have a genetic predilection for suicide and sublimate it as martyrdom for Islam.
The 9/11 Commission's Report is a 567-page collection of fantasies.
So, what about the New Year wishes? Well, owing to the Report, we will know in 2005 that the U.S. political establishment mostly consists of bureaucrats whose only value reduces to their degrees, posts, and titles.
* * * * *
For more information about Drexler's Foresight Institute and its lobbying in Congress, see www.foresight.org
To learn more about the Chris Phoenix report, suggesting a Ònano Manhattan Project,Ó go to crnano.org.
For information about the Center for the Survival of Western Democracies, Inc., including how you can help, please e-mail me at navlev@cloud9.net.
The link to my book online is www.levnavrozov.com. You can also request our webmaster@levnavrozov.com to send you by e-mail my outline of my book.
It is my pleasant duty to express gratitude to the Rev. Alan Freed, a Lutheran pastor by occupation before his retirement and a thinker by vocation, for his help in the writing of this column.
Lev Navrozov's (navlev@cloud9.net] new book is available on-line at www.levnavrozov.com. To request an outline of the book, send an e-mail to webmaster@levnavrozov.com.